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  • Written by sharon
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Vickram College of Engineering in association with Small Industries Product Promotion Organisation (SIPPO), a joint venture of National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC, a Govt. of India Enterprise), Tamilnadu Small Industries Development Corporation (TANSIDCO, a  Tamilnadu Govt. Undertaking) organised a 3-Day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EACs) Sponsored by Department of National Science and Technology Govt.of.India from 16th to 18th August 2016. The program began with invocation. Dr. Nagarajan, the Principal, Vickram College of Engineering welcomed the gathering and honoured the dignitaries. Mrs. R. Nazeem Banu, Programme Manager, SIPPO introduced the objective of the camp. And the program was adjourned for Technical activities. Eight technical sessions were conducted and resource persons were invited from DIC, JCI India, SIPPO, Canara Bank and several other dignitaries delivered their lectures on different topics related to Entrepreneurship.

Shri. Muruga Prabhu, Ex. Lead District Manager, Canara Bank, Madurai was the resource person for the first session. He spoke at length about the opportunities to become a successful entrepreneur and encouraged everyone to keep an eye on the surroundings to understand the needs of local community and identify business potential in that area. He gave details about the benefits extended to entrepreneurs by the bank and cited some success stories. He also gave advise on the financial aspects of starting new units and the tax problems involved and methods to overcome them. Ms. Kavipriya, MBA Dept. Director, Fatima College was the resource person for the second session. She spoke about the technological assistance provided by various agencies and also the research & development facilities available for the new entrepreneurs. She gave information on the technical and commercial aspects of setting up units by the new entrepreneurs and the schemes of assistance provided by the Government in promoting self employment. She gave details of identifying products and selection of the same. Mr.Kumaraguru, JCI India , Madurai was the resource person for the third session. He gave a lecture on the topic Creativity and Business the man behind the venture – the behavioural scientist’s approach. He presented the current potential available for starting self employment in various fields and the support extended by the government. He also gave tips on the skills needed to become an entrepreneur.

The second day program started with the technical session. Shri.G.Mugil, Corporate Trainer, Madurai was the resource person for the first session. He gave a detailed lecture on the importance of communication skills. He said that in today’s competitive business world and difficult economy, effective communication skill is more essential than ever before. It is the foundation on which companies and careers are built and a crucial component of lasting success. He encouraged everyone to improve their communication skill which will be an advantage in today's business environment. And in the afternoon session, Mr.Vasirajan, Development Officer, SIPPO, addressed the gathering on Financial aspects of SSI unit including salient features of a project report. He spoke about various grants and incentives available to the entrepreneurs. And in the evening the participants were taken to Naveen dairy for the industrial visit  to bring the students in direct touch with practising entrepreneurs.

The third day program started with the technical session. Mr.Aranganal, Ex.GM, DIC was the resource person for the first and the second session. He gave a detailed lecture on How an entrepreneur should structure the business when incorporating. The licences and permits required to start a business and also about the level of protection needed for the business in terms of patents, copyrights and trademarks. He also spoke about the Issues and Challenges faced by an entrepreneur, by focussing more on issues such as Business idea issues, Lack of finances and inability to market the business. Shri.S.Rajagopal, Chairman& Managing Director,SIPPO, was the resource person the third and fourth session. He gave a lecture on How to plan a business. He said that the true value of business planning is to identify the challenges and pitfalls and plan around them before they happen, rather than getting blind sided by them when the business has already been set in motion. He also emphasised on effective leadership which will help one to make the most of the opportunities, creating sustainable growth for the future. He also highlighted on keeping up with the market, planning ahead, cash flow and financial management, problem solving, skills and attitudes and also about welcoming change. The students were exposed to different aspects of entrepreneurship, including opportunity guidance and services offered by agencies of support system.

And this camp covered all aspects to become a sucessful entrepreneur. And the technical activities were adjourned for the valedictory function. Dr. Nagarajan, the Principal, Vickram College of Engineering welcomed the gathering. Shri.S.R.Vijay Shrenivas, Managing Director, Vickram College of Engineering gave the valedictory address. Shri.S.Rajagopal, Chairman& Managing Director, SIPPO, gave the chief guest address. The program ended with the vote of thanks by Ms. Yasodai, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE and with the national anthem. The program was organised by Dr. Punitha, Department of ECE and Mr. Kamala Kannan, Department of Mechanical Engineering.


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