- Written by punithav
- Hits: 1166
Report on 3-Day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps - 25-27 July, 2019
3-Day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EACs) in association with Anna university Regional Campus Madurai, Sponsored by Enterpreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad was organised from 25th July 2019 to 27th July 2019.
Number of beneficiaries: 81 students from Department of CSE,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL
The awareness camp was inaugurated by Mr.Anandan V.D Head -RAC TIIC Madurai. The inaugural ceremony started off with Dr.T.Arivozhi, Principal welcoming the gathering and offering information on thrustfull Entrepreneurship. Ms.Sudha.S, EDC Coordinator, Department of Computer science and Engineering delivered the overture for the Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps , stating the core objectives of the camp such as to build the innate capability of young students, to bring about Awareness regarding Entrepreneurial life and also offered suggestions for them to start off their career.
On the first day of the programme, following topics were delivered by the Experts.
Session I &II:
Mr.Anandan V.D Head-RAC TIIC ,Mr.T.Raja Senior officer TIIC Madurai delivered lectures about features of a project report from Govt .Agencies
In their speech they Highlighted role of entrepreneurship in economic growth of country and also highlighted problems faced by entrepreneurs to start new venture and solutions to address them.They highlighted current scenario of MSME Development at state and national level with government policy and support.
Session III:
Mr.SR. Vijayshrenivas CEO,Magic Watt Energy P LTD delivered a lecture on Entrepreneurship as a career .He narrated lot of real success stories of entrepreneurs and motivated the students to think entrepreneurship as a career.He also suggested how to apply creativity in buisness which helps the students with positive attitude towards their career.He concluded Entrepreneurs are not only born, but also made.
Session IV:
Ms. Sudha.S Assistant professor,CSE,vickram college of engineering delivered a lecture about communication skills for better results in business.she used several examples to narrate importance of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship as a carrier option.she suggested students to think about their own communication style and skills they are strong in and one that need improvement.
Session V:
Mr. S.Ganesan General Manager,DIC Sivagangai delivered a lecture about Support and financial assistance from Govt. Agencies.He suggested students to get benefited from various programs of govt of India under ministry of industries(Like PMEGP Scheme,NEEDS) for initial capital investment and also explained the procedure to be followed while setting-up a company.
Session VI:
Mr.L.Manikandan,Managing Director,SKA Entreprises delivered the current scenarios in industry and the marketing strategies required for promoting a business. He talked about various career options and motivated the students to take maximum benefit of the growing nation by venturing in to entrepreneurship.He explained the role of digital marketing for successful entrepreneurship.
Session VII:
Mr.Mithun Chakravarthy,Director,Cardamom Products P Ltd, delivered a special lecture about Identification of Business opportunities.He shared his view with live examples and learning exercises on present scenario.He explained the opportunities for youth in the field of engineering and also the problems entrepreneur faced while setting up their own entreprise.
An industrial visit to Naveen Dairy was organized in afternoon sessions. This visit was planned with brief exposure to focused task including study of Technical, Financial, Marketing and commercial requirements in the business,Man behind the business.
On the Last day of the programme, some of students gave their feedback related to program which was then followed by certificate distribution to the participants . Program concluded with vote of thanks by Ms. N.Priyanka Vasan,Assistant Professor ECE,Vickram college of Engineering.