- Written by msuma
- Hits: 5100
5th State Level Inter School Volleyball Tournament 2014
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State level Inter school volley ball Tournament was hosted by our College from 3-11-14 to 4-11-14. There were 20 vibrant teams from various schools which participated with remarkable zest for activities. The Tournament was inaugurated by Chairman of Vickram Schools and Colleges Er. M.K.S Sreenivasan, and he gave the presidential address to the gathering.
The following teams competed with each other in the Semi – Finals:
American College Hr Sec School Madurai Vs De Britto Hr Sec School Devakottai.
Dindigul St.Marys Vs Mohammed Hr.Sec School, Ramnad.
After facing a serious of tough matches American College Hr Sec School Madurai emerged as Laurel - Winners ,
Dindigul St.Marys secures the position of being the Runners and De Britto Hr Sec School occupies the Third position. Fourth position is Mohammed Hr.Sec School, Ramnad.
In the Valedictory function that was organised to honour the triumphant teams,
Mr. M. S. Vikram, Joint Secretary, our College of presented the prestigious trophy to the participants. The Principal of the college Dr.S.Nagarajan shared the dais with the other dignitaries to cheer up the participants.