- Written by vijaysr
- Hits: 4202
Scilab 02 - Matrix Operations
Assignments for this tutorial
1. 03:15: In Scilab, enter the following Matrices:
A = ⌊ ⌋ 1 1∕2 ⌈1∕3 1∕4⌉ 1∕5 1∕6
B = [ ] 5 - 2, C = [4 5∕4 9∕4] 1 2 3
Using Scilab commands, compute each of the following, if possible.
1. A * C
2. A * B
3. A + C′
4. B * A - C′* A
5. (2 * C - 6 * A′) * B′
6. A * C - C * A
7. A * A′ + C′* C
Explain the errors, if any.
2. 04:15: From the video:
1. Find E(:, :)
2. Extract the second column of E
3. 05:46: If A = ⌊ ⌋ ⌈1 - 1 0⌉ 2 3 1 4 1 5
Use a suitable sequence of row operations on A to bring A to upper triangular form.1
4. 07:28: Represent the following linear system as a matrix equation. Solve the system using the inverse method:
x + y + 2z - w = 3
2x + 5y - z - 9w = -3
2x + y - z + 3w = -11
x - 3y + 2z + 7w = -5
5. 08:01: Try solving the above system using the backslash method.
6. 08:38: Verify the solution from the previous question.
7. 09:38: Try det(A), A2, A3 and Eigenvalues of A (from the previous question).
Also multiply A by an identity matrix of the same size.