- Written by sharon
- Hits: 1293
Lecture on Research Methodology
Dr. Jayavel, Research Director, Center for Research, Anna University, Chennai gave a lecture on Research Methodology for the faculties of Vickram College of Engineering on 4th september 2017. He started with a short introduction about Anna University, Chennai and various researches carried over by them. He added that Anna University stands 5th among other universities in case of research publications. Among many disciplines, publications in Environmental science and Engineering tops first. He gave an overview on the significance of research and the quality publications. Literature study plays a vital role in identifying the gap and carrying out the research. Research should be beneficial to the society and cost-effective. He briefed the research design stages which includes selection of problem, conceptual clarity, methodology, literature collection, bibliography, collection of data, testing, interpretation of the result and report writing. He asked the researchers to publish their works in the nonpaid journals rather than paid one. Plagiarism needs to be checked before publication. He has listed the available plagiarism checker in the internet. He concluded by wishing the research scholars and doctorates for their contribution towards research. Mr.Weslin, Department of Computer Science Engineering,delivered the vote of thanks.