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  • Written by chandrasekaran
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College Bazaar – An Exhibition By VCE and Women Self help Group

Women's Self Help Group, Sivagangai has displayed its manufactured articles such as Bags, Shirts, Pants, Chudidhars, Ready made Garments, food items, Jewellery and many hand made goods in the exhibition conducted at Vickram College of Engineering from 16-10-2014 to 18-10-2014. Mr. Raja Mohammed, Asst. Planning Officer, Sivagangai welcomed the gathering. The Exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. Vickram, the Secretary Vickram Group of Schools and Colleges. Dr. S.Nagarajan, Principal, Vickram College of engineering presided and students welfare officer Mr. Nagarajan participated. Mr. Bismilla Nazruddin, the District Planning Officer (Women), Sivagangai, delivered the key note address. He said that the development of the nation depends on the upliftment of the women. Now a days women form their own self help group and try to earn their own living. This trend must be encouraged by buying the products produced by them he said. This will, not only make them confident but also help the rural areas to develop in all respects. Self employability will reduce the government's burden to a great extent,he narrated.The management of Vickram College of Engineering has made elaborate arrangements for the successful conduction of the special event.

The enthusiasm, sense of concern and interest shown by Vickram College of Engineering, by conducting this type of programmes, with regard to social service was appreciated by one and all.

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