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  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1062

Congrats to the Winners of NECTECH 2019

We congratulate the following students for their outstanding performance in the NECTECH 2019 conducted in National Engineering College, kovilpatti.


II Prize : Mohamed Zafer  - IV CIVIL


II Prize : Manoj Kumar and Achudaraman  - III MECH


I Prize : Jerusha and Gayathri - II CSE


I Prize : Mohankumar , Yuvaraj - IV MECH Ramesh kannan , Abhishek alan - III MECH


I Prize : Saravanapandi and karthikeyan - IV MECH


II Prize : Yuvaraja and Ajithkumar - IV MECH


  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1122

Congrats to the Winners of LEGACY'19

We congratulate the following students for receiving prizes in the competitions in LEGACY '19 conducted in Mepco Sclenk Engineering college , sivakasi.

Tamil Debate:

III Prize - Vidhya - II ECE


II Prize - Vidhya - II ECE

Spell Bee:

III Prize : Abhishek Alan - III MECH , Vidhya - II ECE , Gayathri - II CSE , Kavya - III ECE


  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1157


The present committee memebers of RISE N SHINE team organized various competitions like English speech, tamil speech, debate,extempore, picture crea, video buzz, mememory challenge , group singing for the students community to mark the 73rd Independence day of our country. The following are the winners of the competitions:

English Speech yashwanth III ECE Jerusha II CSE karthikeyan III CIVIL
Tamil Speech Vidhya II ECE Bhuvanesh IV MECh Vishali II ECE
Extempore Yashwanth III ECE Yuvaraja IV MECh Vishali II ECE
debate karthikeyan III CIVIL Jerusha II CSE

Selva ganesh III CSE

S.Meenakshi sundaram IV MECH

Memory Challenge      
Picture Crea

jerusha II CSE

Karthikeyan III CIVIL

Yashwanth II ECE

Abhishek alan III MECh

kavya III ECE

Video buzz Vidhya II ECE Jerusha II CSE Bhuvanesh IV MECH
Group singing II and III MECH III and IV ECE II ECE and CSE
  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1226

RISE N SHINE : Farewell Celebration

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."---Eleanor Roosevelt

      The students of Rise N Shine organized the send off party for the final year students (Batch:2015-2019) on 29th march 2019 in the ramanajum conference hall at 2.00PM. Mr.S.Mohankumar, President of RNS welcomed the gathering. Faculty members namely Ms.Priyanka Vasan(AP/ECE) , Mr.Palaniappan (AP/CIVIL) and Mr.G.Veerappan(AP/MECH) wished and motivated the passed out students.They advised the students to cherish all the memories in their life and also to properly use the golden opportunites in their life.They also motivated them to face any type of challenges in their life.

     Mr.Ananth , Ms.Nandhini , Mr. Nawas shared their memories,happiness and experiences they felt in the last four years in the college.RNS members from various departments conducted fun events for the students.It was followed by Candle light ceremony.Finally vote of thanks was delivered by Mr.Zafar , Secretary of RNS.

On behalf of the college, we bid farewell and wish them best of luck in their days ahead.May God Bless them all.

  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1205

RISE N SHINE: Flower Anniversary and Swearing in Ceremony

RISE N SHINE club entered the fifth year and celebrated the flower anniversary on 20th March 2019 in ramanujam hall. Mr.Aabith hussain of final year Mechanical engineering welcomed the gathering.Dr.Punitha , Academic dean proposed the presidential address. A video tribute showing the journey of RNS was given by Mr.Balaji ganesh, IV CIVIL. Ms.kalaivani of IV ECE introduced the Chief Guest for the event. The Chief Guest for the programme was Mr.M.Jeevanantham  working ad Design Engineer in Renault - Nissan, Chennai.  It is very proud for us to say that he was our alumunus who has completed his graduation in the department of mechanical engineering in the year 2013. He was also the winner of Best outgoing performer for the batch 2009 -13. He interacted with the students and motivated them how to reap success in the life.He also discussed about the priorities , importance , purpose, passion etc..The event followed with the swearin in ceremony  of the new commitee for the year 2019 -2010.

New Office bearers:

President : Mr.Mohan Kumar  - III MECH

Vice President : Mr.Ganesh prabhu - III CIVIL

Secretary : Mr. Mohammed Jafar - III CIVIl

Vice Secretary : Mr.Santhosh Maniraj - III MECH

Treasurer : Ms. Sajeena -III ECE

Overall Boys Leader : Mr.Riyas - III EEE

Overall Girls Leader : Ms. Nivetha - III CSE

Dr.David and Ms. Harini wished and motivated the new team members. Prizes were distributed to the winners of various competitions conducted on Independance day and Science day.The programme was followed by dance, songs,fun games etc. Mr.Logesh IV MECH proposed the vote of thanks.

  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1051


The Department of Mechanical and Civil engineering of Vickram college of engineering organised the national level technical symposium “INTELECTIUM '19” on 8th march 2019 in Ramanujam Conference Hall. Welcome address was proposed by Mr. Vishal sivakumar IV year mechanical engineering. Presendential Address was given by the honourable principal Dr.T.Arivoli. Inaugral Address was given by the chief guest of the function,

Dr. S. Sankarapandian Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alagappa Chettiar Government college of Engineering,Karaikudi.He discussed about the recent trends and developments in Mechanical and Civil Engineering.He emphasized the students to improve the study skills and also motivate the students to focus on the recent trends.He also suggested the students to set a target in their life and to work hard towards the target without giving up. The Chief guest was honoured by the Director Of Vickram College of Engineering, Er.Vijay Shrenivas. Many technical events namely Paper presentation,Technical quiz,Design contest,AUTOCAD Champion,Craft master, CODE cracking, CAD Contest,quest etc were conducted for the students. Around 100 participants from various Engineering colleges attended the events.Our honourable academic dean Dr.Punitha distributed the prizes and certificates to the winners. Finally vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.Santhosh Maniraj,III Year,Mechanical engineering.

  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1224


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The Department of Mechanical and Civil engineering of Vickram college of engineering organised the national level technical symposium “INTELECTIUM '19” on 8th march 2019 in Ramanujam Conference Hall. Welcome address was proposed by Mr. Vishal sivakumar IV year mechanical engineering. Presendential Address was given by the honourable principal Dr.T.Arivoli. Inaugral Address was given by the chief guest of the function,

Dr. S. Sankarapandian Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alagappa Chettiar Government college of Engineering,Karaikudi.He discussed about the recent trends and developments in Mechanical and Civil Engineering.He emphasized the students to improve the study skills and also motivate the students to focus on the recent trends.He also suggested the students to set a target in their life and to work hard towards the target without giving up. The Chief guest was honoured by the Director Of Vickram College of Engineering, Er.Vijay Shrenivas. Many technical events namely Paper presentation,Technical quiz,Design contest,AUTOCAD Champion,Craft master, CODE cracking, CAD Contest,quest etc were conducted for the students. Around 100 participants from various Engineering colleges attended the events.Our honourable academic dean Dr.Punitha distributed the prizes and certificates to the winners. Finally vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.Santhosh Maniraj,III Year,Mechanical engineering.

  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1146

MECH: Congrats to the Winners

We the department of Mechanical Engineering congratulate the following III year Mechanical students for securing second prize in paper presentation conducted in Chendhuran College of Engineering, Pudukottai on 15/02/19.

1. Abubackar Sithik 2.Amirthalingam and 3. S.Meenatchi Sundaram.

  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1208

RISE N SHINE: Pongal Celebration in Government School, Arasanoor.

The student members of RISE N SHINE club celebrated the pongal celebration in Government School , Arasanoor on 11th January 2019. Students conducted various competitions for the school children and distributed prizes for the winners. School children were so enthusiastic and energetic during the competitions. Finally our college students distributed sweet pongal for the entire school childern and staff.

  • Written by pritima
  • Hits: 1297

Congrats to the Winners

We heartfully congratulate the following students of our college for winning the second prize in the event "SHERLOCK HOLMES" conducted in MEPCO Engineering college on 31st August 2018.

1. Balagi Ganesh - IV CIVIL

2. Vishal Sivakumar - IV MECH

Congratulations for your fabulous victory! You deserve it every bit! Aim for the stars!

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