- Written by pritima
- Hits: 1052
The Department of Mechanical and Civil engineering of Vickram college of engineering organised the national level technical symposium “INTELECTIUM '19” on 8th march 2019 in Ramanujam Conference Hall. Welcome address was proposed by Mr. Vishal sivakumar IV year mechanical engineering. Presendential Address was given by the honourable principal Dr.T.Arivoli. Inaugral Address was given by the chief guest of the function,
Dr. S. Sankarapandian Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alagappa Chettiar Government college of Engineering,Karaikudi.He discussed about the recent trends and developments in Mechanical and Civil Engineering.He emphasized the students to improve the study skills and also motivate the students to focus on the recent trends.He also suggested the students to set a target in their life and to work hard towards the target without giving up. The Chief guest was honoured by the Director Of Vickram College of Engineering, Er.Vijay Shrenivas. Many technical events namely Paper presentation,Technical quiz,Design contest,AUTOCAD Champion,Craft master, CODE cracking, CAD Contest,quest etc were conducted for the students. Around 100 participants from various Engineering colleges attended the events.Our honourable academic dean Dr.Punitha distributed the prizes and certificates to the winners. Finally vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.Santhosh Maniraj,III Year,Mechanical engineering.