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  • Written by punithav
  • Hits: 1210

ECE INTELECTIUM ' 19 - A report

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The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized INTELECTIUM ’19, a national level technical symposium on 8th and 9th March 2019. The Inaguration was anchored by Ms.S.Kavya Sri Durga of II/ECE. Ms.N.Priyanka Vasan Asst.Professor/ECE welcomed the gathering. Dr.V.Punitha, Dean delivered the presidential address followed by the chief guest felicitation by Mrs.N.Mahalakshmi, Head/ECE . The chief guest Dr.A.Arunya Revathi Assoc.Professor/ACGCET Karaikudi addressed the gathering on the importance of employment details in various field regaridng private and public sectors. Ms.R.Kavitha IV/CSE proposed the vote of thanks.


30 candidates from various college in and arround Madurai registered for INTELECTIUM 2019. 12 papers were presented on various topics like LiFi, ERTS and Networking area, among those B.Priyadharshini, M.Priyadharshini of FMCET college secured the I prize of cash award Rs.750 and A.Abitha, T.Nagajothi of Mangayarkarasi College of Engineering secured the II prize of cash award Rs.500.


Several technical events were organised to the partcipants and winners of each event are listed below


Technical Quiz I M.Mareeshwari & M.Murugeswari (MIET)

II J.Karthika & R.Kalaiselvi (PSY)


Techno Connections I H.Alagumuthu & H.Varshini (FMCET)

II M.Mareeshwari & M.Murugeswari (MIET)


Circuit Debugging I M.Santhiya (FMCET)

II B.Priyadharshini (FMCET)


In the valedictory function, feedback session was conducted. The hospitality, enthusiasm of the host institution and time management of the events were appreciated. Dr.T.Arivoli/ Principal, distributed the prizes. One of the student co-coordinators, Mr.K.Yashwanth of II year ECE proposed the vote of thanks. With the National anthem, the function came to an end.


  • Written by punithav
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Best paper award for ECE students at SCAC'19

Congratulations to III year ECE students

Ms. Sajeena Parveen-821614BEC008

Mr.G.Dinesh- 821614BEC007 and

Mr.K.Nagaraj - 821614BEC003 ,who won the Best paper Award at the  national conference SCAC 2019, Smart Computing and Advanced Communication, held at PSNA college of Engineering on 15th March  2019.

They  Presented a paper titled "LI-Fi"

  • Written by punithav
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Programme on Capacity Building as Per Industrial Needs

A   programme on “Capacity Building as Per Industrial Needs” was organised for I,II and III year students. The speech was given by Prof. K.Manikandan M.E., Director, Grow Yourself Organisation on 27th Feb.2019.The objective of the programme  was to persuade the students to evaluate their abilities and to make the best use of available opportunities. Prof.K.Manikandan elucidated upon the importance of honing the abilities, attitudes and aptitudes of the students. He concluded his speech by sharing his belief that individual development leads to national development if the younger generation is ready to ignite and channelize their hidden potentials.


  • Written by punithav
  • Hits: 1031

Ten- Day training on "Python programming and hardware development for a Raspberry Pi device

Ten- Day training on "Python programming and hardware development for a Raspberry Pi device" by Mr.Rajendran Subramanian, CEO,Silicon Software Services was conducted for II and III year ECE students from 7th Feb 2018 to 17th feb 2018. Training coverd topics on Python programming,Understanding and configuring RPi , RPi interface, Linux OS, GPIO pins, GUI using RPi and projects.

  • Written by punithav
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Guest lecture on Recent trends in Biomedical Instrumentation

Guest lecture on"Recent trends in Biomedical Instrumentation" by Dr.J.Vijay, Prof/BME, SSN College of Engineering,Chennai was organized for IV year ECE students on 20th Jan 2018. Lecture covered topics on recent devolepments in invasive and non invasive techniques that provides plenty of oppurtunities in biomedical field.

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Hands-on training in VLSI Design and implementation

One day hands-on training in VLSI Design and implementation by Dr.T.Arivoli, Professor/Dept.of ECE, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore was organized for III year ECE students on 17th Jan 2018. The training imparted FPGA design flows and understanding of the characteristics of CMOS circuit construction,designing functional units such as adders, multipliers.

  • Written by punithav
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Guest lecture on "An Introduction to the Raspberry Pi"

Guest lecture on "An Introduction to the Raspberry Pi" by Mr. Rajendran Subramanian, CEO, Silicon Software Services was organized for II and III year ECE students on 29th Dec 2017. Speaker explained the concept of Free and Open source software and also emphasized the need of using open source platform instead of the proprietary software.He aslo demonstrated Raspberry Pi , small single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science.

  • Written by punithav
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ECE Winners in Symposium

The following students of Department of ECE won prizes in  Symposium held at various places.

K.Ajithkumar, III ECE presented a paper on "Driverless Car"  and won II prize in ACERO-2K17 at Bharath Niketan Engg.College on  3 Feb'17.

M.Pavithra & M.Keerthiga III ECE presented a poster on "E-Cigarette" and won II Prize in ELCOWARZ'17 at P.S.R Engineering College on 27 Jan'17.

Congratulations to the winners!!


  • Written by punithav
  • Hits: 1060

Seminar on Awareness on Sustainable development of Non-Conventional Energy sources Feb 24 & 25,2017

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering invites you to attend IEI sponsored National Seminar on Awareness on Sustainable development of Non-Conventional Energy sources-24 th & 25 th Feb 2017 at Ramanujam Conference Hall from 9.30 A.M. to 4.30 P.M.

The Two-day seminar will cover Renewable energy potential and status in India, Commercializing Sustainable energy technologies, Solar Cell / Photovoltaic Cell, Solar thermal power generation, Wind Power and Electricity production from Hydrogen Gas.

Hands-on training in  assembling and testing of PV module is also provided.


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