- Written by punithav
- Hits: 1210
ECE INTELECTIUM ' 19 - A report
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The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized INTELECTIUM ’19, a national level technical symposium on 8th and 9th March 2019. The Inaguration was anchored by Ms.S.Kavya Sri Durga of II/ECE. Ms.N.Priyanka Vasan Asst.Professor/ECE welcomed the gathering. Dr.V.Punitha, Dean delivered the presidential address followed by the chief guest felicitation by Mrs.N.Mahalakshmi, Head/ECE . The chief guest Dr.A.Arunya Revathi Assoc.Professor/ACGCET Karaikudi addressed the gathering on the importance of employment details in various field regaridng private and public sectors. Ms.R.Kavitha IV/CSE proposed the vote of thanks.
30 candidates from various college in and arround Madurai registered for INTELECTIUM 2019. 12 papers were presented on various topics like LiFi, ERTS and Networking area, among those B.Priyadharshini, M.Priyadharshini of FMCET college secured the I prize of cash award Rs.750 and A.Abitha, T.Nagajothi of Mangayarkarasi College of Engineering secured the II prize of cash award Rs.500.
Several technical events were organised to the partcipants and winners of each event are listed below
Technical Quiz I M.Mareeshwari & M.Murugeswari (MIET)
II J.Karthika & R.Kalaiselvi (PSY)
Techno Connections I H.Alagumuthu & H.Varshini (FMCET)
II M.Mareeshwari & M.Murugeswari (MIET)
Circuit Debugging I M.Santhiya (FMCET)
II B.Priyadharshini (FMCET)
In the valedictory function, feedback session was conducted. The hospitality, enthusiasm of the host institution and time management of the events were appreciated. Dr.T.Arivoli/ Principal, distributed the prizes. One of the student co-coordinators, Mr.K.Yashwanth of II year ECE proposed the vote of thanks. With the National anthem, the function came to an end.