- Written by punithav
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15th Sports Day & College Day Celebrations – A Brief Report
The 15th Sports Day & College Day of Vickram College of Engineering was celebrated on 9th April 2016. The sports day started with the conventional flag hoisting by Er.L.Balaji, International Professional Engineer. The athletes did the March Past Parade honoring the flag. The Chairman Mr. M.K.S Sreenivasan lit the College Olympic Torch. Er.L.Balaji declared the Sports Meet open, which was followed by the track and field events. Thus, this day marked a sense of the spirit of sportsmanship present in the new era of life. Er. L.Balaji, advised the student to participate in the sports activities whether they win or lose in a sportive spirit.
In the evening, the College Day was celebrated. Our Chairman & Founder Sri M.K.S. Srinivasan welcomed the guests. Dr.S. Nagarajan, Principal, read out the annual report of the college, listing various activities which took place in the course of this academic year 2015-2016. The Chief Guest Dr.B. Ramaswamy, Chief Advisor, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha EDC, Delhi from Prime Minister Office, commended the chairman for his vision and social responsibility for the genesis of engineering institutions in the campus.
Dr. B. Ramasamy, who is himself a Pro Chancellor of a North Eastern University in India, spoke about the transforming influence of education, in making men dynamic and proactive towards attaining excellence. Education is power – the power that fills people with innovative minds and empowers them towards creativity. Its power and influence is undying & perennial. Its power is creative and infectious, like Promethean fire, engulfing the neighborhood with positivism and creative perceptions.
Dr.B. Ramasamy advised the students to be like the IITians, in preparing themselves for IAS/IPS Examinations, right from the first year of B.E study. This career orientation is vital, and the preparation, side by side with their academic curriculum, will empower them towards employability. The UPSC Examinations are not to create scare in the minds of students. It is an examination, which even a mediocre student could crack. The syllabus of the IAS Examination is purely based on the course contents of 6th Std to 12th Std in school. Newspaper reading is essential, as it provides necessary enlightenment of the current affairs of the world. He also highlighted that there are about 24 services, which come under the Civil Services Exam conducted by UPSC every year. And by writing one exam, the candidate can become selected in any of the 24 civil services. These services include IAS, IFS, IPS etc.
Dr. B. Ramasamy called for the formation of an academy in the college in preparing the students to do well in IAS Exams. Your Chairman assured that efforts would be taken in starting an IAS Coaching Centre for the benefit of students at our college from this year. He said majority of the candidates selected for Civil Services Exam belong to Bihar, Uttarpradesh, Mathya Pradesh, Orissa, Uthranjal and Utharkkand and there not fluent in English. Fluency in English is also not essential in getting through Civil Services, he added. With the Central Government, implementing schemes like MAKE IN INDIA, START UP INDIA AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME, the country can become Developed Nation in 10 years time.
The Special Guest for the function was Dr. Jayavel, Research Director, Anna University, Chennai. He advised the students to have three-dimensional gratitude – 1) gratitude to the parents for their being instrumental in providing them engineering education, 2) gratitude to the college, for moulding and shaping them as engineers in their life, & 3) gratitude to the society and the nation, for providing them the opportunity to study and to prosper in their engineering career. There are three things, which could prompt success, in their lives, and they are 1) discipline, 2) un-diminishing curiosity to learn, & 3) social responsibility.
He also pointed out that a great education is born out of innovation. True innovation doesn’t stop short of raising questions, but also develops solutions and transforms to the courage to change for the greater vision.
Dr. Jayavel cited Thirukural, and said that education provides thoroughgoing knowledge, and prompts them to live up with high standards of moral perfection. As per this Kural, education makes them independent and self-sustaining. Its power and dynamism is magical and un-paralleled. Dr. Jayavel appealed to students to read Kural and to think of its relevance to attain perfection in life. He wishes the students to live a successful life, with a higher sense of moral perceptions.
The prizes were distributed by the Chief Guest to the students who won in the various sports activities conducted by the college and for academic excellence.
Finally, there was cultural programme. In the colourful show, students brought to limelight their creative and artistic talents.
The programme came to the end with a vote of thanks proposed by Principal Dr.S.Nagarajan.