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  • Written by kumarasamy.v
  • Hits: 1437


The IET-VICKRAMCE ON CAMPUS EVENTS of our college will be organized for the First year , 2nd year ,Third year and Final year IET student members on September 27th, 2017 at the Ramanujam conference Hall (Core Block). The following students are the prize winners in the following events,

QQuiz- Topic current affairs & sports

                 First place 1. S.M. Angu kumar pandian IV ECE

                                   2. P.Vembarasu IV ECE

        Second place   1.K.Menaka IV EEE

                                  2.V.Chandralekha IV EEE

            Third place  1.C.Ramesh First year

                                 2.M.Azarudeen First year

Sky Jumper Trampoline

            Boys      1.A.Titus III Mech

                           2.S.Kaleeswaran III Mech

            Girls      1.T.Subashini III EEE

                          2.L.Rasika IV Civil

Poster Presentation - Topic Internet helps  & affects students

First place     1. T.Subashini III EEE

                       2. G.Chandrukanth III EEE

Second place   1.L.Rasika IV Civil

                         2. S.Madhu IV Civil

Second place    1.K.Yasvanth First year

                            2.Manoj kumar First year

Snake & Ladder Game

                Boys    1.S.Rahuraman III ECE

                              2.S.Manojkumar First year

                 Girls    1.P.Thavamani IV ECE

                             2.L.Rasika IV Civil


                            1.S.Paul joshva II Mech

                            2.P.Mukesh IV Mech

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