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  • Written by baranidharan
  • Hits: 1254

Career Guidance & Opportunites in Banking Services on 22-08-2016

There was a  Presentation on Career Guidance & Opportunites in Indian Banking Services on 22 -08-2016, in Ramanujam Hall of Vickram College of Engineering, for all the Final Year BE Students.The Guest Speaker was  Mr.Mohan Chandran, Chairman, B FIT Institute, Madurai.  He emphasised that  the competent persons thrive, and others loose.  Hence, he called upon the students to keep empowering themselves with adequate knowledge and skills expected by organizations.

                 ER. M.K.S Sreenivasan, Chairman, Vickram College of Engineering , in his presidential address, talked about the importance of developing various skills. He insisted how Engineering degree with skills is very essential for  opportunites and for  evolving  right strategies to achieve goals. He mentioned that there are plenty of avenues for those who deserve and Motivating one- self will take him/her  through, knowledge, competency, character, and involvement.    He advised the students to explore the possibilities of getting into government  and the Banking services and  IAS & IPS services  and keep themselves acquainted with the requirements of all competitive examinations.    He wished all the students to become successful in their lives.

                 Dr. R.David Chandrakumar , HOD of Mathematics deliverd the  Vote of Thanks.

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