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  • Written by sharon
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Vickram College of Engineering in association with The Institution of Engineers, Madurai Local Centre organised a 2-day All India Seminar on Industrial Waste Management in India on 3rd and 4th August 2017. The program began with invocation. Dr.S.NAGARAJAN, Principal, Vickram College of Engineering welcomed the gathering. Er.K.VIJAYAKUMAR, Chairman, IEI, Madurai Local Centre delivered the presidential address. Mr.J.Samuel, Secretary, IEI, Madurai Local Centre gave the felicitation address and introduced the theme of the seminar. Dr.S.NAGARAJAN, Principal, Vickram College of Engineering honoured the dignitaries. Dr.R.Vasudevan, Professor& Dean(Extra – Curricular Activities), Department of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai delivered the inaugural address. And the program was adjourned for Technical activities.


Dr.R.Vasudevan, Professor& Dean(Extra – Curricular Activities), Department of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, gave a detailed lecture on the topic, 'Industrial Waste Management'. He gave an idea to the students how to select an appropriate research which should be Bio- friendly, Bio Minicry, Socially relevant and environmentally helpful then it will give recognition and satisfaction to the researcher. He explained about the importance and need of chambers to burn the waste products to avoid toxic gases. He said that nature provides for a person's need not for his greed and he also said by 2050 nature will be replaced by waste created by man by polluting air, water, atmosphere, land and light. He also explained about three philosophies like, industrial philosophy, domestic philosophy and domestic philosophy towards industrial waste. He gave a picture about the waste that is contributed everyday and advised the students to go green and come green. He also advised then to Re-look the three important R's that is Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. He explained about waste materials and their end uses by giving a clear picture about plastic roads. He concluded his lecture by encouraging the students to become smart people by creating smart organisations by preferring Eco friendly materials.


And in the next session Dr.M.Vijayalakshmi, Professor & Head, Fathima Michael College of Engineering and Technology spoke on the topic 'Granite Waste'. She said that waste is unwanted or useless solid materials generated from combined residential, industrial and commercial activities in a area. And also she categorised the domestic, industrial and commercial waste. She gave a clear picture about the amount of waste created in Indian cities per day. She explained about waste minimization technology by adding more emphasis on 4 R's that is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover. She conclude by describing about the classification of industrial waste according to human health.


The second day program started with the technical session. Mr.B.Sadishbabu, General Manager, M/s Clar Aqua(P) Ltd, Chennai gave a detailed lecture on Solid & liquid waste management industrial water effluent. He explained about solid and liquid wastes in general and briefed about Hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste. He gave a detailed picture about General treatment plant and Effluent treatment plant and also explained about their primary, secondary and tertiary treatment with reference to Total suspended solid and Total Dissolved solids. He also explained about Ultra filtration membrane, single and multi effect evaporation and also about sewage treatment plant.


The afternoon session started with Paper Presentation and Model Presentation. The technical sessions were adjourned for the valedictory function. Dr.S.NAGARAJAN, Principal, Vickram College of Engineering gave the valedictory address. The program ended with the vote of thanks and with the national anthem.

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