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Techie Magazine 2013

  • Written by Rajarajeswari
  • Hits: 1760

Mechanic Valkyrie to Save Lives in Future


NASA is the latest competitor who joined the DARPA Robotics Competition for this year. They gave their project the name of a creature from the Viking mythology – “Valkyrie”. This is a humanoid robot that should be able to respond properly to the contest requirements – climbing ladders, driving and using tools. The purpose of this contest is the creation of a robot able to operate in disaster areas replacing the human rescue team members. - See more at: http://interestingengineering.com/mechanic-valkyrie-to-save-lives-in-future/#sthash.t7zWl3QN.dpuf


NASA is the latest competitor who joined the DARPA Robotics Competition for this year. They gave their project the name of a creature from the Viking mythology – “Valkyrie”. This is a humanoid robot that should be able to respond properly to the contest requirements – climbing ladders, driving and using tools. The purpose of this contest is the creation of a robot able to operate in disaster areas replacing the human rescue team members.




Valkyrie is powered by a battery that provides an hour of work before charging. It is located on the robot back and is easily detachable. The robot arms have 7 degree of freedom combined with 6 degree freedom hand. The legs has the same degree of freedom as the hand. The robot has some modular components such as the arms which are interchangeable. And the interchanging is made to be as simple as possible, which is very important in disastrous circumstances.



Valkyrie is equipped with several cameras located on the head, chest (where a sonar is located too), forearms, knees and in the feet. An operator will use these cameras to navigate the robot. Valkyrie is 1,9m tall and 125kg heavy.
This is a joint development of NASA’s Johnson Space Center, University of Texas and Texas A&M University.

  • Written by chandrasekaran
  • Hits: 1792

Some Tips to celebrate Deepavali Safely


Deepavali is the festival of light and joy. We must celebrate the festival with joy and care. Though we wear new clothes and distribute sweets on this day, Deepavali is incomplete without fireworks.

We must take utmost care using fireworks.

A few precautionary steps to be followed:

1. Ignite the crackers/ explosives one at a time kept on the ground from a distance.

2. Use crackers in open space.

3. Do not leave the kids unattended while bursting crackers.

4. Keep water and other fire extinguishers handy in case of emergency.

5. Wear cotton clothes.

 'Prevention is better than Cure'. Have a safe and happy Deepavali.


  • Written by sherlley
  • Hits: 1863

Dan Brown Inferno...A Review

           If you enjoy the tapestry weaved by Dan Brown with art and history and a typical doomsday endangering mankind...then Inferno is definitely for you.

             The protagonist Robert Langdon has a daunting task of saving the world from the illusionist who believes that the world's population is exploding at an exponentially alarming rate. The only solution to the same is mass biological destruction (making people infertile) which will reduce the population to a sustainable one. The antagonist leaves a trail of clues using Dante Alighieri's classic masterpiece Inferno. The first half of the story lacks momentum. The second half of the story has many twist and turns in keeping one engaged.

                 This story is sincerely for Dan Brown fanatics though it is far below his The Da Vinci Code.

                 Happy reading!!!

Genre: Mystery, Conspiracy Fiction

Publisher : Doubleday (May 2013)