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  • Written by jeyapaul
  • Hits: 952

19th Corporate Voice program by Mr.kalyana Sundaram on 22-07-2015

Vickram College of Engineering conducted  the 19th Corporate Voice Program for the III, II and final year students on 22nd July.  The  final year student, Harsha from the department of EEE, welcomed the gathering.

 Mr.Kalyana Sundaram, CEO, Great Innovus Solutions Pvt Ltd, Madurai presented the chief guest address on the topic “ Employment Trends 2015 “. He initiated his speech by persisting the students to have plan in their Engineering path. He motivated the students to participate in Symposium, paper presentation and contest which will increase their opportunities for getting jobs. He described that, for Computer Science department students, Web Development is the most trending technology and charging the mobile phone by wireless modem is on the process. Hence students have wide opportunities in mobile technology. In addition to this, Nanotechnology is one of the most growing technologies, said Mr.Kalyan.

Students can adopt the current trend by self learning through online / offline. In his concluding speech, he focused an important thought that, students must undergo Industrial training in companies. The program came to an end with the vote of thanks given by the final year student, Dinesh Durai from the department of Computer Science.

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