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  • Written by jeyapaul
  • Hits: 896

18th Corporate Voice program by Mr.Robert Rajasekaran on 21-07-2015

Vickram College of Engineering conducted  the 18th Corporate Voice Program for the III and final year students on 21st July.  The  final year student, Priyadharshini from the department of Civil, welcomed the gathering.

        The Chairman, Mr. M.K.S Sreenivasan, the Joint Secretary M.S. Vikram and the Principal, Dr. S. Nagarajan  took part in the program by showing their ardent involvement. The chairman  submitted the guest preamble with a warm welcome to the chief guests.

            The Chief-Guest Er. M. Robert Rajasekaran, Additional Deputy General Manager, L&T, Chennai, presented the chief guest address. In his address, he insisted that the students must utilize the opportunities provided by the government as well as by the private sectors for seeking jobs.  He also mentioned that the plans like, arranging Wi-Fi facilities in all stations, elimination of paper tickets, escalators in all stations etc. will be recommended in Railways. Hence all engineering students will be getting job opportunities in the Railway department. Then he gave a detailed format for preparing resumes for applying jobs. In his conclusion, he insisted the students to possess life skills apart from their academics. Then the program came to an end with vote of thanks by Praveen Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering.

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