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  • Written by jeyapaul
  • Hits: 1770

23rd Corporate voice program by Mr.Udaya Sankar, Regional Lead, Sector Skill Council NASSCOM, Chennai on 8th August 2015

The 23rd Corporate Voice  program was held in our campus on 8th of  August for the II year students from various departments. Ms.Priyadharshini from EEE department submitted the welcome address. 

Then the  Principal, Dr. S. Nagarajan of the college honoured the chief guest by presenting a memento. He felt very glad to invite the chief guest to deliver a lecture on " SSC NASSCOM initiatives towards skill building " in this fine occasion.

 The chief guest, Mr. Udaya Sankar, Regional Lead, Sector Skill Council NASSCOM, Chennai gave the chiefguest address. The Chief Guest Mr. V. Udaya Sankar, Regional Head, Sector skill council NASSCOM, Chennai motivated our students by sharing his own experience of overcoming obstacles in life. He spoke about negative fears which terminates dreams and also gave instructions to the students to overcome fear with positive attitude. He asked the students to follow the principles of our former President Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, who was a man of Knowledge and simplicity. His talk on pre-preparing and planning ahead was really challenging and it opened the eyes of many. And he discussed how competitive the World is, and advised the students to work hard and he also quoted that its only through hard work one can achieve success and perfection. He emphasised more on self-discipline and positive attitudes which will raise a normal person into great heights. At the end of the session he answered many questions raised by the students and encouraged them to work hard and come up in life. It was a great blessing for many students and many were enriched by this program. The program came to an end with the vote of thanks by Ms.Shobika, 2nd year ECE.

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