- Written by jeyapaul
- Hits: 902
22nd Corporate Voice program by Ms.Vigneshwari on 31-07-2015
The 22nd Corporate Voice program was held in our campus on 31st of July for the final year and III year students from various departments. Ms. Janani from EEE department submitted the welcome address.
Mr. Vijay Sreenivasan, the Director of the college gave the presidential address. He insisted the students to appear in all competitive examinations, especially the Civil Service Exam to attain higher position in future. Then the Director and the Principal, Dr. S. Nagarajan of the college honoured the chief guest by presenting a memento. They felt very glad to invite the chief guest to deliver a lecture on "Awareness on Civil Service Examination" in this fine occasion.
The chief guest, Ms.Vigneshwari, B.E, Civil Engineer gave the chiefguest address. To be highlighted she has secured the 326th rank in Civil Service Examination recently. She has started her speech with a famous quote like, “If you cannot do, whoelse can do.” She urged the students to visualize as per the words of Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam to achieve the goal. She said that the dreamers will always succeed in their life than the persons dealing with facts. She also motivated the students to take someone as inspiration but have a unique plan for your deeds. She depicted the fact that the students should face both the positive and the negative consequences in their plan. He also insisted the students to read the newspaper daily.
The speaker also illustrated about the importance of Civil Service Examination by describing the methods to be followed in preparation. She also mentioned about the persons who achieved in their target and their hard work effort to clear the exams. She has listed out the books for reference and also some websites where students can search the material related to the exam. Moreover she responded for all the queries asked by the Director as well as by the students in the program. In her concluding speech she stressed the benefits of clearing the examination only through personal attempt.
Thus the program ended with the vote of thanks submitted by Dr. S. Nagarajan, the Principal of the college. In his thanks giving address, he encouraged everyone to work continuously to reach the target. He also gave assurance to the chief guest that the students will follow her words without hesitation.