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  • Written by jeyapaul
  • Hits: 917

20th Corporate Voice program by Mr. Sivakumar Palaniappan on 24-07-2015

The 20th Corporate Voice  program was held in our campus on 24th of July for the final year students from various departments. Ms. Malini Priyanka from ECE department submitted the welcome address.

Mr. MS. Vikram, the Joint Secretary and the Principal, Dr. S. Nagarajan of the college honoured the chief guest by presenting a memento. They felt very glad to invite the chief guest to deliver a lecture on "Take Charge of Your Placements" in this fine occasion.

The chief guest, Mr. Sivakumar Palaniappan, Founder& Chief Mentor in Mastering Mind Academy, Coimbatore initiated his speech by appreciating Mr. Veerapandian Ganesan, IAS, for his passionate effort to achieve the attainment. He demanded that even ordinary man can reach the goal through their ardent attempt.

He urged the students to visualize as per the words of Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam to shine as an entrepreneur as well as to acquire high positions in reputed institutions.  He said that the dreamers will always succeed in their life  than the persons dealing with facts.  He also gave a lot of illustrations from his own experience in his  working environment  for this kind of achievement.

The speaker also depicted about the need for clarity and confidence in ambition. He said that the students should have more self-assurance and individuality to accomplish their desire. He also insisted the students to extend their knowledge in soft skills including the academics, which will help them to adopt job possibilities as soon as possible. He motivated the students to start with a blank paper instead of any format to prove their excellence. The  program ended with the vote of thanks submitted by Manikandan, the final year student from department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.  




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