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  • Written by punithav
  • Hits: 10853

Report on First year Induction Programme 2015

The inaugural ceremony commenced with the invocation .Dr. S.Nagarajan, Principal formally welcomed all the dignitaries on the dais, parents and students from the various parts of the state.


Chairman Mr.M.K.S.Sreenivasan in his presidential address pointed out the value of knowledge and the responsibilities of students to be carried out during their studies in college.

The chief guest was honoured by the Chairman.

Chief Guest Prof.V.Sivakumar ,Dean Regional office Madurai, Anna University Chennai in his address advised the students to go in a right path to get success in their life. He gave a complete overview of 4 years of Engineering Degree in a nutshell.

Secretary Mr.MSR.Raj Santhosh in his special address threw light on the importance of education and the responsibilities of the students. Finally Dr. V.Punitha , Asso.Professor rendered her vote of thanks.





  • Written by vimala
  • Hits: 11724

Eight Great Reasons to Develop Your Soft Skills

Technical skills have little value if you have poor soft skills. Don’t get me wrong, your technical expertise matters. But don’t be fooled by your technical skills. King of Linux, champion of Oracle? You’ve got it made, right? Give me a break! Technical skills alone are no guarantee of success.

You’ve got all the hot technical certifications with solid work experience. You’re the programming guru or the 900-pound gorilla of Network administration. You’re on your way to becoming an outstanding IT achiever? Don’t make me laugh! Excellent technical activities, rapid knowledge acquisition, tons of certificates are not the same thing as growth.

Technical skills alone don’t lead to recognition, promotion, and most importantly: opportunity. Technical skills are important but so are your soft skills. How well do you communicate with your colleagues, management, clients or your employer? Are perceived as a contributor or just another techie?

1. Certification is not an end in itself. Soft skills do matter.

In fact, to succeed in IT you definitely need to have solid technical skills with a good grasp of the fundamentals. To make any headway you need to be solid on the ground with hard technical know-how. And the IT industry requires you to fortify yourself on a continuous basis with up-to-date technical knowledge and concepts. Training, certification, the Internet, books, are all opportunities available for lifelong learning. But what about your soft skills? As you build up your technical expertise, what effort are you making to develop your non-technical abilities? Certification is not an end in itself.

You need soft skills to create opportunity for yourself. What is the use of technical skills if nobody knows you’ve got such skills? The essence of education is opportunity. The essence of your technical ability is opportunity. Use soft skills to cultivate opportunity. Use soft skills to grab opportunity with both hands. It’s wakeup time- keep the right perspective: your value, not just your technical expertise, is your power.

2. Soft skills help advance your career.

Let’s look at specific ways in which soft skills can help IT professionals advance their careers. To bring value to organization and clients, IT staff are getting more involved in many non-tech activities to carry out their IT tasks. Your interpersonal skills should be top notch to deliver results with your colleagues and people in non-IT areas you must work with. As a project manager, how do you motivate other members of your team? You may need to work and interact with accountants and customer service staff to develop the company’s new business software. Network professionals have to enlighten other staff on the applications of the new wireless network and the implications of the company’s security policies.

The server room is no longer a hiding place. And no matter how “good” you think you are you will not get the marks you feel you deserve if can’t communicate well with colleagues or clients. In fact, the perception might be that you are not competent. But when you interact better with the people you have to work with, your performance tends to improve and they go away with a positive impression. And the meaning of positive impression is more opportunity, more responsibility.

3. Soft skills empower you and create opportunities.

In my opinion, the main benefit of soft skills is empowerment. How does your technical skill translate to value? How do you create opportunity? Soft skills are useful for creating and taking advantage of opportunities – jobs, career and business. No matter how great your technical skills are, when job hunting, your marketing skills should be first-class. Otherwise others who may not be as capable as you, but who have better marketing skills might beat you to the jobs or work you want. There are opportunities in IT. But there are also challenges and competition. In such a competitive environment, perception often reigns supreme.

If your technical competencies are similar to those of other candidates how do you differentiate yourself? You claim to be a technical wizard. The problem however, and this is a big however, is how do I know if you are good if you can’t sell what you have - yourself or your ideas? Your certifications and previous work experience are important. But the issue at stake is this: can you convince the interviewer or clients that you will solve their problems and deliver value?

4. Soft skills not only improve your career, they also offer personal growth.

Interestingly, the acquisition of soft skills also empowers you by allowing you to build flexibility into your future IT career plans. How? Most soft skills are regarded as transferable skills, e.g. communication, project management, business and team work, which are needed in nearly all aspects of life, not just for your career alone. You need to grow not just as a techie but also as a person.

5. Do you have more technical skills than sense? Work on communication and leadership.

As an IT professional, you have confidence in your technical abilities. But is your technical masterpiece built to last? Technical skills are important, but such abilities are no guarantee of career fulfillment. There is no way you can sustain an IT career with just technical skills. You get the job done but what is your impact and influence? What really is your aim in acquiring that certification? Is certification an end in itself? No it’s for opportunity, for career growth. It’s good to acquire skills, but please be sensible. Unfortunately, many of us seem to emphasize having more skills than sense.

Key skills that make a difference include communication, leadership, teamwork, problem solving, project management and business. Having the required interpersonal skills provides a must-have foundation for career growth. They give you the ability to take advantage of challenges and opportunities that will come your way. When you empower yourself, you stay ahead of the crowd.

6. Soft skills help you grow beyond money motivation.

Get rid of the Tech-only approach. How serious are you about your influence, impact and career growth? Your technical expertise doesn’t stop you from developing leadership and motivational skills. And how far can you go without a positive, can-do, can-bounce-back mindset? When facing challenges, stop being a moaner, instead develop some backbone. Grow beyond money motivation. You can be self-motivated and also motivate everyone around you.

Oracle superstar, what really is the big deal in understanding how the business works and how you can enhance value? Cisco authority, it is myopic to be selfish when it comes to sharing knowledge with colleagues. Uncaring attitudes don’t encourage Team building. Java expert, you don’t have to turn nasty simply because the client is difficult.

7. Developing professional ethics is vital to your career.

Stop negative conduct whether deliberate, due to ignorance, or because of an unsupportive environment. No matter your environment, you can’t afford to be ignorant, insensitive or unprofessional simply because you feel you are a technical guru. IT “Hot stuff”, swallow your pride, dig deep and identify your soft skills gap. Then make a conscious effort to close the gap. Nobody is perfect. But that’s no excuse to empower your weaknesses. Developing your technical skills while actively cultivating poor soft skills is akin to moving one step forward, two steps backwards. It burns and wastes what you hold dear –time, money and resources. Poor soft skills devalue. Period!

8. Control co-worker’s perception of you as a professional and an expert in your field.

If you are perceived as being difficult and unfriendly, of what value are your Linux skills when no one is ready to work with you? Are you doing your best in your area of specialization? But to people that interact with you-colleagues, clients, instructors, managers - what is their perception of you? A great asset, a fantastic contributor, just someone who does IT stuff, or the techie from hell? It’s a hard fact of life, but this book will often be judged by its cover. Most importantly, it’s not just about succeeding in work or business. What is the essence? To grow as a professional, to grow in business, you must also grow as a person.

Source: Jide Awe is the Founder/CEO of Jidaw.com

  • Written by Suthan raj
  • Hits: 11916

How to change your Display name on posts?

Many Confuse Between the login name (login ID or User ID) and the name displaying over the posts,

But the fact is that both are different, the login name (login ID or user ID) is the fixed name generated by the system 

and the display name or user name that is displayed over your post can be changed.

To change, after logging in

Click User Menu in the main tab and click on Settings and you will see a settings page where change the username at Your name and after entering your Desired name click save.

Refresh Techie and after that all your early posts get changed to your new name..

  • Written by Nirmal R
  • Hits: 12797

How to Resize an Image before uploading to techie?

 Before uploading images to techie, it is better to resize your images for faster uploading.

To resize your image. do the following procedure.


Right click on your image→ Open With→ Open With "GIMP Editor"

Then in GIMP menu,

Image→ Scale Image→ ("Reduce the Height and Width of the image.")→ Scale

Then save the image and upload it.

  • Written by vijaysr
  • Hits: 13341

Introduction to Comments

Comments are visible only to logged in users.

We also use comments to review the article content. It is a good idea to log in to see if one of the reviewers has left a review comment on your article and correct it if required.

You can leave a comment on any article for any other purpose.

Feel free to review the content of any article.

  • Written by vijaysr
  • Hits: 11876

Permitted Content in Techie

Permitted content in Techie

  • Content related to environment, engineering, innovation and technology are recommended. 

  • Feel free to add any content which you feel is best.

  • Do not add copyrighted material without proper permission or reference to the source.

  • If you want to include another websites URL, first add few lines of what that URL has.

  • Do not add religious content. It will be removed.

  • Spiritual content "may be" permitted.




  • Written by vijaysr
  • Hits: 12492

How to: Attach or Embed a PDF Document

Embedded PDF Document : Pointers in C by Ted Jensen

Steps to Embed PDF Document

Step 1: Click Insert/Edit Link Icon 

Step 2: Select and Upload the file you want to attach to the server.

Step 3: In the target tab, choose the Target to "New Window _Blank" Option. From the Link Info Tab,  Press OK. This will attach the PDF to your article. So When the user clicks on the link, the browser will open the pdf in a new tab. Your link will look like


If you want to change the caption, right click the link, choose insert/edit JLink, edit the caption and click OK.

Read about Pointers in C, by Ted Jensen



If you want to embed, continue with the following steps.

Note: Linux based machines may not see the embedded PDF if the browser is not equipped with required PDF plugins.

Step 4: Copy the URL from the Link Info Tab. Paste the path in the following code where it says "full path to your.pdf".

<embed width="80%" height="575" src="full path to your.pdf">

Step 5. Copy and paste your line of code inside the HTML source. The first button in the editor toolbar is Source, Click and paste your line of code in the appropriate place inside the HTML code. The embedded pdf will look like sample at the top of this article.

Tip: The client machine should have the ability to read PDF documents.


  • Written by vijaysr
  • Hits: 17288

How to: Resize Image

The recommemded width of the image is 500 or 600 pixels.

Large images take a little bit longer to load and may not look correct on all monitor sizes.


Windows XP, use Image Resizer Power toy from Microsoft. You can download it here.
After installing Image Resizer, right click on the image and resize.


Ubuntu, use GIMP. From Top Task bar, Choose Applications->Graphics->GIMP Image Editor. Open the image you want to resize in GIMP. Choose Image->Scale from the GIMP Menu. Change the width of the image. Click Save.


Window 7, Right Click the image you want to resize, choose open with paint, click Resize icon, change the dimensions, click Save.

  • Written by vijaysr
  • Hits: 14043

How to: Attach an Image

Step 0: Make sure the image you are attaching is no more than 800 pixels wide, resize the Image if required. Read How to: Resize Image.

Read about image resolution here.

Step 1: Click Insert/Edit Image

Step 1: Click Insert/Edit Image

Step 2: Goto Upload Tab, Browse the local machine from which you want to upload the image, click send it to server button.

Step 2: Goto Upload Tab, Browse the local machine from which you want to upload the image, click send it to server button.

Step 3: Once you have uploaded the image file, you can select the file in Image Info Tab. Select OK. 

Step 3: Once you have uploaded the image file, you can select the file in Image Info Tab. Select OK.

Tip: Add Alternative Text (descriptive text about the image), to avoid "description missing" message.
And also if the image is not available or if the page did not load properly, the text will be shown.

Tip: As time goes by, when you have added lot of images, it will become difficult to identify the last image that you uploaded.
Try creating folders as and when required, using the image manager. You can also use the image manager to upload & insert image into the article.


Continue with the rest of the article.

  • Written by vijaysr
  • Hits: 11828

How to: Add Content

When adding content, make it interesting by adding all the relevant facts. Add a photo or flash movie. 
You could,

  • Before you start, have a rough idea of the content you want to add. It is best to write it first using notepad, once you feel that it is complete, port it to the editor and add formatting.

  • Write at least three or four lines of text. Try to avoid SMS sized entries.

  • Give appropriate Title for the article you add, a very long title is usually difficult to read. A very short title might be difficult to understand.

  • Explain details in the photo (if any) you have attached with the article. Read How to attach an Image.

  • In general, avoid attaching documents and particularly if the content in the document is relatively small.  

  • Avoid attachments that require additional software to read them like ppts, word documents, PDFs, spreadsheets etc. Instead either convert them to flash based videos (SWF) or add them to google docs, slideshare.net and embed them here. Read How to: Share a Slide (PPT).

  • Avoid scripts that change images or text on a timer. They are consume CPU resource both at the server and at the client and are not environment friendly. All computers are not equipped or happy to run them.

  • Press the "Maximize the editor" button at the last row of the editor toolbar to maximize the editor window for better editing.

  • Choose appropriate Section and Category to which your article/content belongs. If you don't know just leave it, one of the reviewers will take care of it.

  • Spell check, Press the Spell Check Icon in the first row of editor toolbar.

    Don't forget to spell check
  • Finally click the save button at the top to save your changes.

  • Go to FCKeditor docs for more detailed help.


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