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  • Written by jeyapaul
  • Hits: 4484

AIDS Awareness - 2009 Batch

AIDS awareness program was conducted by the Red Ribbon Club of our college for I year students. The guest speaker was Mr. V. Sekar, Field Officer, Tamilnadu State AIDS Control Society (TANSACS).  The focus of the event was on  celebrating life. The speaker highlighted the fact that life is an act of celebration. Every part of our life is to be lived and enjoyed, but in the right way, according to our values and traditions. Monogamy is a cherished value of our society. Extra-marital relations have no place in our civilized society.

The guest speaker Mr. V. Sekar made a shocking observation that there are 6000 young people getting infected with HIV virus every day at the global level. If this situation were to continue, there would be tens of thousands of young men and women who would come under the clouds of AIDS infection in the coming years. This is an appalling situation that the world is facing today.  Many are supposed to die due to AIDS virus.

Few photos from the event


19 September 2009

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