Dr.S.P.Simon, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of National Institute of Technology, Trichy, Government of India, has delivered a Special Lecture on “Recent Devlopments in Power System” on 07-08-2010 in the seminar hall of our college. In his lecture, he specifically explained about the Computerised Intelligent techniques such as Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network as applied to Power System. After his presentation, he interacted with the students and clarified their doubts. The students found this session to be highly informative.
Dr.S.P.Simon, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of National Institute of Technology, Trichy, Government of India,
is delivering a Special Lecture on “Recent Devlopments in Power System” on 07-08-2010 at 09:30 am in the seminar hall of our college.
------- HOD / EEE / Vickram College of Engineering.
III yr EEE studentsAnoop.V. Pillai, Nishwin sunny, Gibin Thomas ,Robin Roy,Toby John and team have presented a report on the future of energy resources under the heading“A PATH TO SUSTAINABLE ENERGY RESOURCE BY 2030” during the 5thNational Level Technical Symposium held at Vickram College of Engineering. The above report has been published inTHE NEW INDIAN EXPRESSdaily dated08-04-2010. We congratulate the students for the above venture.
A brief account of the Project is as follows:
Introduction:Now a days the major problem that our world is facing is global warming and energy crisIs. The major cause behind the Global Warming is the use of Fossil fuels and conventional power generation methods such as thermal,nuclear etc., and we could just scrutinize the use of Fossil fuels by replacing it with renewable energy sources like Water ,Wind and Solar and make it sustainable enough to satisfy the whole world’s power demand by 2030.Hence the research theme is named asWWS 2030.
PRESENT SCENARIO: By the use of Conventional energy resources such a thermal, nuclear etc., we are consuming 12.5 TW (Tera Watt) and is been estimated to rise up to16.9 TW by 2030 but if weplanto replace conventional energy resource with that of WWS, we could cut down the 16.9 TW to 11.9 TW ,the reasons being higher efficiency and zero transmission losses.
WWS SPLIT UP NEEDED:Of this 11.9 TW ,water can provide 1.1 TW, wind 5.8TW and solar can contribute to meet 4.6 TW. The good thing is that, we have a plenty of resources available untappedie. About 2 TW of water resources, 40 to 85 TW wind, and 580 TW of solar potential is available across the globe.
DO’S ANDDON’T’S: In the path to implement WWS,we need to follow certain Do’s and Dont’s in order to implement it successfully.
Technology chosen should be completely emission free. It should not produce any kind of emission during operation and decommissioning. For eg:The carbon emission from nuclear reactor is 25 times more than that of wind energy. Hence we need to consider only technologies that do not present significant waste disposal and terrorism risk.
For making our vision possible ,we need to construct 49000 of tidal turbines, 5350 geo thermal plants, 900 Hydro electric plants, 38000000 wind turbines and 720000 wave converters. Though the number seems quite huge,this is possible because if, we can make Millions of cars and trucks a year, it is easy for us to manufacture these equipments too.
As the renewable installations to be manufactured is high so as to satisfy the whole world demand,the question arises about the availability of metals employed to construct these installations. Some rare earth metals,such as lithium, platinum,Neobdymium and silver is needed in large volumes. The only way to overcome this is effective and efficient recycling of these metal s. So production processes can concentrate on strategies and ideas to recycle and replace these metals with abundantly available raw materials wherever possible.
All of us have a serious question in our minds that does the sun shine always and the wind blow continually in all regions?Being a logical query,We could install power plants by making a smart mix of these renewable sources for eg: We could use Geo –thermal or tidal as the base supply along with solar at day and wind at night combined with the hydro electric plant which can be used along with this in such a manner that it could be used to meet our peak time demand. Thus it can be made more economic and reliable and provide way for uninterrupted supply.
COST EFFECTIVE:At present, the total power generation chargesis Rs.2.4 per Kilo Watt Hour(KWH) and it is estimated to rise up to Rs 3.84 per KWH by 2030 due to rise in power demands ,if we are going by conventional sources, but if we shift to WWS we could just cut down the rateup to Rs 1.92per KWH since there is no transmission losses as in the case of traditional power generation methods.
LESS DOWNTIME MAINTENANCE:The tradional coal plant suffers 46 Days/yr of downtime maintenance whereas Wind turbines and photovoltaic plants require just 7 Days/yr of downtime maintenance.
In short we conclude that future of energy resources is WWS which is clean, new, cost effective and reliable.
source:This project theme was based on the research undertaken by Stanford University and research article published in 'Scientific American India' magazine-Nov 2009 Issue.
Final Year EEE students won the Second and Third prize in project display contest “Sympulse’10” held at Syed Ammal Engineering College.
Ramesh.M, Rajasekar.A and Manikandan.K won the Second Prize in which they displayed a project tilted “ Automatic Length Measurement and cutting of Rubber using PLC”. In this project, the product (rubber) will be transported through the conveyor belt. The rubber cut at desired lengths, which automatically controlled using PLC. An encoder will be attached to the conveyor motor running. The pulses from the encoder will be counted and can be used to measure the length of the product. The blade temperature can be controlled using sensor. Fault annunciation can be done in 2 cases one is when the DC Motor is not running properly and the another condition is when no products are running on the conveyor belt.
Another project displayed by Meenakshi Sundaram.M, Mohamed Imran Khan.M and Mohammed Farook.M won the Third Prize . The project titled "PWM Controlled DC Motor using IGBT." This project aims to perform the speed control of DC motor using PWM technique. The PWM pulse is generated by the Micro controller & given as input to the IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor). The IGBT controls the speed of DC motor depends on the generated PWM pulse. The pulse can be generated at different frequencies called conducting period.
Suresh Kumar.P a II Year EEE Student was awarded Best Bowler of the tournament in the prestigious SS Rajan trophy organized by Tamil Nadu Cricket Association. It was an Inter-District match in which the final match was played between Madurai and Dindigul. Madurai district team won the match after 15 Years. His Best bowling in this series is 22/6 against Tiruvannamalai District Team.
I PRIZE: PL.Rajkumar, Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering & Technology, Karaikudi
Title: Automated Parking System Using Wireless Systems
Abstract: The paper provides solution to find a vacant parking spot in underground parking lots of office buildings and shopping malls by making an automated parking lot where the available spaces for parking can be displayed at the entrance of the parking area. The concept of working modules is interconnected with ZIGBEE wireless medium to allow all the benefits of local control functions and remote operation without the associated infrastructure costs
II PRIZE:Yogeesh Kumar.M & T.Theepan, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai.
Title: Blind’s Vision - An Innovative Braille System Keyboard for the Visually Impaired.
Abstract: This paper explains the project to help the visually impaired to interact with the computer system at a maximum probability by providing them the total enhancements for interaction with the system and servicing their necessities by the use of special keyboard which has 6 logical switches (or touch sensors) which are used to sense the characters. The typing in this keyboard is very easy, needs no prior practice for those who are well versed in BRAILLE language and takes around only 5 days to learn the typing on the board for those who aren’t familiar in BRAILLE language.
1. AUTHORS: P.Suresh & R.Venkatesh, Mount Zion College Of Engineering And Technology,
Title: A Single-Stage AC/DC Converter with High Power Factor, Regulated Bus Voltage, and Output Voltage
Abstract: A single-stage ac/dc converter achieving power factor correction (PFC), intermediate bus voltage output regulation, and output voltage regulation is proposed. The converter is formed by integrating a boost PFC converter with a two-switch clamped flyback converter into a single power stage circuit. The current stress of the main power switch is reduced due to separated conduction period of the two source currents flowing through the power switch. A dual-loop current mode controller is also proposed to achieve PFC, and ensure independent bus voltage and output voltage regulations
Title: Transmission Of Power To The Island Using HVDC
Abstract: In this paper the transmission of HVDC from Indian mainland to Lakshadweep is analysed at economically cheaper rate.HVDC transmission is more effective and economically cheaper where bulk power is to be transmitted over long distance. Hence the surplus power from a remote place can be exported to the needy place at cheaper rate. The HVDC system require only one transmission wire and the ground return or seawater can be used as an another line. The diesel for D.G set is transported from Indian mainland through ship where lot of economy is lost only for transportation
Title: Improving Power Quality by Mitigating Harmonics Using Active Filter.
Abstract: The increased solid state electronics has been accompanied by an increase in destructive harmonics within electrical distribution systems. This paper discusses the causes, effects, and symptoms of harmonics as well as disadvantages in passive filters for reducing Harmonic Distortion such as Tuned Filters, Detuned Filters and Damped Filters.The papere prooses that the feasible solution is use of Active harmonic filters which sense harmonic currents electronically, and generate corresponding waveforms to counter the original harmonic currents. The generated waveform is injected back into the electrical supply to cancel the harmonic current generated by the load.This is achieved by IGBT switching technology to generate required frequency spectrum,Advance DSPs to enable real time control,Elimination of L-C Impedances Immune to network frequency changes/variations.and Optional control of reactive power compensation.
4. AUTHORS: V.Karthik & J.Ajay nirmal M.A.M College Of Engineering, Trichy
Title: Pelamis wave power generation
Abstract: The enormous amount of energy constituted by waves can be harnessed using the Pelamis unit an offshore power project, where the wave farm should be situated at about 3-6 miles from the shore with an average wave power of about 10-100 kw/m.The device consists of total of 4 cylindrical steel sections, which are connected together by hydraulic Power Conversion Modules (PCM). It consists of a high level overview of different subsystems that are device specific. Subsystems covered include the Power Conversion Modules (PCM), structural steel sections, Mooring systems and power transition system to the grid.estimate shows that of about, 1,407 MWh of power can be produced using one unit of Pelamis which is the new emerging technologyin Offshore wave energy power generation.
Title: Fuzzy logic based Unified Power Flow Controller.
Abstract: This paper deals with the design, analysis and simulation of Fuzzy logic based Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) for distribution system. The basic requirement for stable operation of power system is constant voltage and constant frequency without any harmonics. To achieve this, UPFC is used in the system to control the reactive power. Conventionally PI and hysteresis controllers are used in the gate pulse controller part, but they are fixed in structure and will operate within the designed range. To obtain more flexible and efficient output, proposed dynamic controllers like Fuzzy or Neural Network controller is to be used.
6. AUTHORS:S.Gokilavani & D.Margret kanniga, K.L.N College Of Engineering,Madurai
Title: A Parallel Architecture Implementing VlSI for Image Compression
Abstract: This paper reports a paralleled algorithm for Compression / Decompression of Video data files. The algorithm can be easily implemented on a parallel pipelined architecture that can support on-line Compression / Decompression. The hardware implementing the architecture achieves a throughout of 30 frames per second with a frame size of 352 x 272 pixels. The video compression scheme proposed in this paper is based on the idea of sending errors .The initial frame is sent after compressing. After decompression, the frame acts as a reference frame at the decoding end.Thus the hardware implementing VLSI architecture implemented on a parallel pipelined having the overall throughput of 30 frames per second is achieved.
7. AUTHORS: P.Vinothkumar & C.Sasi Anandan, Velalar college of engineering and Technology, Erode
Title: Multiblade technology for revolutionized power systems
Abstract: The paper proposes a windmill with a multiblade that produces high power with low cost Formula for calculating power is proportional to the square of the diameter of the blades which made present windmill to be larger; here this is reduced by increasing the number of blades with concentration on blade thickness and shape with the aim of utilizing the wind velocity below 10m/s and 15m/s that is unused between the two or three blade windmills. Due to the new blade shape, blade material, light in weight, continuous rotation and increase in tip speed we could generate the more power compared to the present windmills. To prevent the variation of frequency oaf generated voltage due to the varying consumer loads and changing wind speeds capacitor excited asynchronous generators like squirrel cage, permanent magnet brushless, wound rotor etc are used. The innovative method for protection of blades from lightning is also proposed.
1)Team members: S.Vivek, V.Karthick & A.Abruar Ahmed, M.A.M College of Engineering, Trichy
Title: Accident prevention techniques
Abstract: The project comprises of 3 accidents prevention techniques namely accident preventing glass, cell phone controlled audio mute system and alcohol indicator . Accident preventing glass contains IR sensors placed on the spectacles. IR rays will be transmitted and reflected by the retina of the eyes. If the driver closes the eyes more than 3 to 4 seconds the alarm awakes the driver. Cell phone controlled audio mute system has a wireless detector which detects the frequency from a cell phone to control the functioning of an audio system. The circuit automatically disconnects power supply to the audio system whenever a call is received or made by the cell phone.The alcohol indicator consists of alcohol sensor used to sense any person who is drunk and at the same time sensor output will give to amplifier circuit. A driver circuit is used to provide the sufficient input voltage to the alarm.
2)Team members: P.Suresh & R.Venkatesh,Mount Zion College Of Engineering And Technology,Pudukottai
Title: A single-stage ac/dc converter
Abstract: The project deals with design of a single-stage ac/dc converter achieving power factor correction (PFC), intermediate bus voltage output regulation, and output voltage regulation. The converter is formed by integrating a boost PFC converter with a two-switch clamped flyback converter into a single power stage circuit. The current stress of the main power switch is reduced due to separated conduction period of the two source currents flowing through the power switch.
3) Team members: S.Ravi Kumar,S.Sahul Hameed & K.Vivek, Pannai College Of Engineering And Technology,Madurai.
Title: Solar UPS with auto tracking system
Abstract: A solar UPS with auto tracking system is implemented by sensing the intensity of sunlight by LDR. The tray tracking is carried on the result of comparators. The tray moves on forward (or) reverse direction depending on the intensity of light and Total control operations are carried on by using digital control circuits. The effective output from solar cell is stored in 7AH battery. The power from solar cell is converted as an AC power using inverter circuit. The whole process is carried on using micro controller 89c51
I PRIZE: C.Sasianandhan & P.Vinoth Kumar,Velalar college of Engineering,Erode.
II PRIZE: S.Gokilavani & D.Margret Kanniga, KLN CE,Madurai.
I PRIZE: S.Sarresh & V.Sakthivel, Easwari Engineering College,Chennai.
II PRIZE: S.Gokilavani & D.Margret Kanniga, KLN CE,Madurai.
I PRIZE: C.Ramkumar & M.Santhosh,Easwari Engineering College,Chennai.
II PRIZE: R.Venkatesh, Mount Zion Engineering College,Pudukottai.
Students Members: Ramasubramanian,D.Ashok kumar, Vinoth, Tony, Praise Joseph,Melwin John
12) Theme Display Committee
WWS 2030:III year EEE students Anoop .V.Pillai,Nishwin Sunny,Gibin Thomas,Toby John,Tintu Simon, Robin Roy,khil.K.Kumar,Sooraj Somanand teamdesigned a Project Display under the theme ''A path to sustainable energy by 2030' This project theme was based on the research undertaken by Stanford University and research article published in 'Scientific American India' magazine-Nov 2009 Issue.
Fifth National level students technical symposium INTELECTIUM ’10 was organised by the Department of Electrical and Electronics engineering on March 13th ,2010 at Core Block Seminar Hall.The theme of the symposium was “Renewable energy-Go Green’ .
Welcome Address:Mrs.S.Sheeba Rani ,Head of the Department of EEE
Introduction of Dignitaries:Mr.D.Saravana Selvan,Senior Lecturer,EEE
Presidential Address:Mr.M.K.S Sreenivasan,Chairman,Vickram Group of Institutions gave the Presidential Address.In his speech he encouraged the students to keep an update of the recent developments around the world by using latest technologies.
Felicitation address :Dr.S.Kathirrvelu,Principal addressed the gathering and asked the students to have open talk with the experts and gain knowledge and information
Inaugural address: Chief-Guest- Er.S.Ingersol,Scientist Engineer,Division Head QAI-LPSC,ISRO,Mahendrahiri on the theme’Energy management in crisis state’.He stressed the fact that students must have good exposure to the outside world and there are many areas of research which the student can explore and can prove that India has the largest technical manpower.He also stressed upon the fact that we must concentrate on developing the technology rather than borrowing.
Keynote Address:Er.S.E.S Syed Ahmed,Dy.General Manager,Tamilnadu Energy Development Agency,Madurai delivered the keynote address on ‘Renewable energy tends’ ans spoke about the conservation of energy and focus on using renewable sources of energy.
Special address: Chair person Mr. A.K George,Asst.Professor,Department of EEE,Anna University,Chennai who encouraged the students to dream of their goals and practice hard to convert dreams into reality.He also posed interactive questions on lateral thinking puzzles and made the students realize that different thinking patterns are the need of the hour for Engineers to be innovative and technically able.
Vote of Thanks:Ms.S. Uma Maheshwari, Lecturer,EEE
TECHNICAL EVENTS:The days events included Sling a slide - Paper presentation,Techie Funz - a technical quiz game,Collagium - A tech collage event,Crystal maze - Informal games &Project expo - Project display contest.There were 9 paper papers presented.Totally 30 participants from 13 Engineering colleges participated.
VALEDICTION SESSION:Feedback session was conducted -3students shared their views and appreciated the hospitality and the cheerful mood of Intelectium’10.Prizes were distributed by chair person Mr.A.K.George,Asst.Professor,Department of EEE,Anna University,Chennai and our principal Dr.Kathirvelu sir. Selvan.J.Ponbalachander-Student organizer proposed the vote of thanks.
There was a Seminar organized on 16th Feb 2010 by the Department of EEE on Energy Simulation & Conservation by Sri S.A.S. Syed Ahmed, Deputy General Manager, Tamilnadu Energy Development Agency(TEDA), Madurai. At the outset, Sri S.A. Syed Ahmed explained the importance of energy in the life of mankind. Then he listed various kinds of natural resources, through the means of which we derive energy.
Renewable & Non-Renewable Sources of Energy: Energy sources are classifiable under two headings – namely, conventional sources, and renewable sources. India is endowed with abundance of natural resources such as solar, wind, biomass etc., which can supply the energy needed even in remote areas. These are also called as alternative or renewable sources of energy because they are either inexhaustible or can be replenished with human effort. Of course, we use the latest technologies in extracting power from the various renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, bioenergy, ocean and geo-thermal etc. It is true that the initial cost is high, because of the installation devices, which cost more. But the benefits are long standing. As the awareness on renewable energy improves, it is hoped that more beneficiaries will come forward to use them and the initial cost will come down whereas under conventional energy, recurring cost always keeps increasing every year.
The renewable energy sources have certain advantages. One, they are inexhaustible, such as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy. Two, they have universal availability. Three, the cost of production and operation is low. Four, they cause no degration of our environment through pollution or emission of Greenhouse Gases. The non-renewable resources mostly come from fossil fuels, called petroleum & coal. Because of their increased use, there is a problem of depleting these non-renewable resources. Besides, these non-renewable energy sources cause pollution and environmental degradation due to Green House Gas emissions.
Atomic Energy: Then Sri S.A.S. Syed Ahmed highlighted the two instances of power generation through the use of atomic energy. At present, India has ten nuclear power reactors in commercial operation – one at Kalpakkam, and the other at Koodankulam in Tamilnadu. It takes about 13,500 crores for generating 1000 MW. So it costs Rs.13.5 crores per 1 MW generation. The major drawbacks are that the commissioning period is too long. For instance, Koodankulam atomic station took nearly 12 years for its installation and power generation. Besides, there is a danger of nuclear accidents or radiations caused by hazardous wastes.
Solar Energy: While talking about solar energy, Sri S.A.S. Syed Ahmed observed that solar radiation sustains all forms of life on earth. According to estimates, sun radiates about 1.74 x 1017 W of power per hour to earth.. The daily solar energy incidence varies from 4 – 7 kWh per m2 and there are 250 to 300 sunny days in a year. The power potential of solar energy is 20 MW per sq.km. There are two categories called Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) and Solar Thermal (ST). In India the maximum power generated by solar cell by a stand-alone power station is 2 MW. The main component for solar power plant is silicon-mono crystalline. The major drawbacks are that it requires large area. For example, for generation of 1 MW, the space required is 5 acres.
The Guest Speaker also commented on solar water heating system (SWHS). Solar water heater heats the water to 400C which is directly used for bathing purpose. This device supplies hot water at 60°C to 80°C using only solar thermal energy without any other fuel. The main economical advantage is that it saves about 1500 units of electricity per annum equivalent to about Rs.5000/- per year. The payback period would be about 3 years against the life of 15 years and above for the system. The government gives liberal incentives for solar power generation. A maximum amount of Rs.12.00 per Kwh will be provided as incentive for electricity generated from solar photovoltaics and Rs.10.00 per Kwh for electricity generated through the solar thermal route and fed to the grid from a power plant of minimum 1 MW capacity and above
Wind Energy: Then Sri S.A.S. Syed Ahmed talked about wind energy. Wind is generated due to heating of the earth’s surface. Uneven heating of different areas of earth causes difference in pressure and makes the air flow from high pressure region to low pressure region, which is termed as “Wind”. As wind contains tremendous amount of energy, it can be harnessed to generate power on a large scale matching with conventional sources. Initially, in India, wind mills were installed at the capacity of 250 KW only. But now the capacity is improved to 1.5 MW range. Tamil Nadu has installed capacity of 4287 MW accounts for 42 % and is No. 1 State in the country. The potential areas in Tamilnadu are Aralvaimozhi Pass (Muppandal area), Sengottah Pass (Kayathar area), Palghat Pass (Kethanur area) Coimbatore, Coastal area near Chennai and Rameswaram. The high wind prone zones are areas with annual mean wind speed of 18 kmph and above and annual mean Wind Power Density ( WPD ) of 150 W / m2 and above, at 50 m height. The Capital cost is 1/3rd of solar energy. In Kanyakumari , wind energy is available only for a period of 9 months in a year. The rest of the months, it could not be made available, and it is called seasonal energy. Of course, the government gives more subsidies to windmill erection. The subsidy for wind mill is 2.5*c up to 0.65 lakhs, where c is the capacity in MW. The major drawback is that there are no trained persons for maintenance.
Hybrid Power Generation: The latest method of power generation is hybrid power station in which the combination of both solar energy and wind energy are used to generate power. In this power station, solar cells are installed in the wind mill towers.
Bio-Energy: Bio-energy refers to energy derived from all kinds of organic wastes which are available in plenty in nature and at relatively lesser cost than fossil fuels and is also free from pollution. The different sources of bioenergy are Bio-mass, Bio-degradable waste and Bio-fuels. Biomass is produced by green plants through photosynthesis using sunlight and contains organic matter which can be converted to energy and replenished by human effort. Biomass can be broadly classified into three categories, namely Field level residues (Paddy straw, stalks of various crops etc. ),Plantation crop residues ( coconut residues like fronts, stems, Palmyra tree residues etc.) and Agro industry residues. Biomass today accounts for over one-third of all energy used in the developing countries. The estimated power generation potential from biomass in India is about 19000 MW. Biodegradable organic wastes, such as cow dung, kitchen waste, poultry litter, night soil etc. can be potential energy sources when they are subjected to anaerobic digestion. Biogas plants work on bio-methanation principle to produce methane and carbon-di-oxide.
Contribution of Tamilnadu in Harnessing Renewable Energy: Tamil Nadu has achieved tremendous success in harnessing renewable energy for generation of grid quality power. It has an installed capacity of 4790 MW from renewable sources which accounts for about 32% of TNEB's total grid capacity of about 15,100 MW. In respect of wind power, Tamil Nadu is No. 1 in India with an installed capacity of 4287 MW, which is about 44% of the total installed capacity in India. Besides, Tamil Nadu is a pioneer in introducing cogeneration in sugar mills and continues to lead with installed capacity of 466 MW.