- Written by sheeba
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Fifth National level students technical symposium INTELECTIUM ’10 was organised by the Department of Electrical and Electronics engineering on March 13th ,2010 at Core Block Seminar Hall.The theme of the symposium was “Renewable energy-Go Green’ .
Welcome Address:Mrs.S.Sheeba Rani ,Head of the Department of EEE
Introduction of Dignitaries:Mr.D.Saravana Selvan,Senior Lecturer,EEE
Presidential Address:Mr.M.K.S Sreenivasan,Chairman,Vickram Group of Institutions gave the Presidential Address.In his speech he encouraged the students to keep an update of the recent developments around the world by using latest technologies.
Felicitation address : Dr.S.Kathirrvelu,Principal addressed the gathering and asked the students to have open talk with the experts and gain knowledge and information
Inaugural address: Chief-Guest- Er.S.Ingersol,Scientist Engineer,Division Head QAI-LPSC,ISRO,Mahendrahiri on the theme’Energy management in crisis state’.He stressed the fact that students must have good exposure to the outside world and there are many areas of research which the student can explore and can prove that India has the largest technical manpower.He also stressed upon the fact that we must concentrate on developing the technology rather than borrowing.
Keynote Address:Er.S.E.S Syed Ahmed,Dy.General Manager,Tamilnadu Energy Development Agency,Madurai delivered the keynote address on ‘Renewable energy tends’ ans spoke about the conservation of energy and focus on using renewable sources of energy.
Special address: Chair person Mr. A.K George,Asst.Professor,Department of EEE,Anna University,Chennai who encouraged the students to dream of their goals and practice hard to convert dreams into reality.He also posed interactive questions on lateral thinking puzzles and made the students realize that different thinking patterns are the need of the hour for Engineers to be innovative and technically able.
Vote of Thanks:Ms.S. Uma Maheshwari, Lecturer,EEE
TECHNICAL EVENTS:The days events included Sling a slide - Paper presentation,Techie Funz - a technical quiz game,Collagium - A tech collage event,Crystal maze - Informal games &Project expo - Project display contest.There were 9 paper papers presented.Totally 30 participants from 13 Engineering colleges participated.
VALEDICTION SESSION: Feedback session was conducted -3students shared their views and appreciated the hospitality and the cheerful mood of Intelectium’10.Prizes were distributed by chair person Mr.A.K.George,Asst.Professor,Department of EEE,Anna University,Chennai and our principal Dr.Kathirvelu sir. Selvan.J.Ponbalachander-Student organizer proposed the vote of thanks.