The time table for the Model Exam for IV & VI semesters is as follows;
Time: FORENOON SESSION : 9.15 AM to 12.15 PM
Date II Year III Year
29/4/11 Numerical Methods Microprocessor and Microcontroller
2/5/11 Electrical Machines- I VLSI Design
4/5/11 Power plant Engineering Electrical Machine Design
6/5/11 Digital Logic Circuit Modern Control Systems
9/5/11 Linear Integrated Circuits & Applications Power System Analysis
11/5/11 Control Systems Power Electronics
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organised INTELECTIUM ’11, National level technical symposium on Thursday March 24, 2011. The symposium commenced with prayer. Mr.S.Saravanan Selvan, Senior Lecturer of the Department of EEE welcomed the gathering. Joint Secretary Mr. M.S. Vickram gave the Presidential Address. In his speech he encouraged the students to update the recent developments around the world by using latest technologies. The Chief-Guest of the function was Er. A. Nachadalingam, Chief Engineer-Distribution, TNEB, Madurai. In his inaugural address he said that Industry- Institution relationship is very important and Vickram College of Engineering is at its best in establishing such kind of relationship by organising Industrial Visit, Inplant Training, Internship ...etc. He said “Students must have good exposure to the outside world and there are many areas of research which the student can explore and can prove that India has the largest technical manpower”. Dr. A. Mohamed Hussain, Scientist and Unit Chief, Wind Turbine Research Station (WTRS), Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Kayathar was the Chair Person for the function. He spoke about the conservation of energy and said that the Engineers must focus on using renewable sources of energy. In the afternoon Poster Presentation, Tech-Quiz, Project Display and other competitions were held. Prof. P. Sivachandran, Head of the Department of EEE proposed a vote of thanks.
Winners in the technical events
Poster Presentation
I Prize ( Rs. 3000/- Cash Prize) : K. Karthick & P. Raja Vignesh,Vellammal Engg. College, Madurai.
II Prize (( Rs. 1500/- Cash Prize) : Mebin G. Mathew & Joby samuel ,Scad college of engineering and technology, Tirunelveli.
Technical Quiz
I Prize: Aron stanly Prince & Libin P Samuel,Scad college of engineering and technology, Tirunelveli.
II Prize: David Johnson, & Leo Prabu, Sri Jayaram Engieering College, Cudaloor.
Circuit Debugging
I Prize: Mebin G. Mathew & Joby samuel,Scad college of engineering and technology, Tirunelveli.
IIPrize: Aron stanly Prince & Libin P Samuel,Scad college of engineering and technology, Tirunelveli.
Joyeax Quiz
I Prize:K. Karthick & P. Raja Vignesh,Vellammal Engg. College, Madurai.
II Prize:David Johnson, & Leo Prabu, Sri Jayaram Engieering College, Cudaloor.
In the valedictory function Principal Dr.S.Kathirrvelu gave valedictory address and distributed the prizes. Student coordinator Mr.Vignesh Kumar Proposed the vote of thanks. With the National anthem, the symposium came to an end.
Our College administration wishes to congratulate the following students for getting their offer letters from Allsec Technologies Ltd., Chennai, in the Job Fair conducted by Anna University of Technology, Madurai, on 12th Feb 11:
Er.P.Balakrishnan,General Manager, Human Resource Development, TNEB, Chennai, inaugurated the Three Days "National Franchisee Training Program" Funded by Ministry of Power, Government of India on 16-03-2011. In his inaugural address he stressed that a lot of opportunities are present in the core electrical sector and especially electrical engineering students must grab them for the development of our country. Er.P.Manian, Deputy General Manager, Transmission and Distribution Training and Development Institute (TDTDI), TNEB, Madurai participated in the inaugural function as a Special Guest.The Tamilnadu Generation and Distribution Company Ltd.(TANGEDCO), a subsidary unit of TNEB and Rural Electrification Corporation, Hyderabad, conducted the training program. The trainers at the level of Executive Engineers, Assistant Executive Engineers and Assistant Engineers trained the Final Year Electrical Engineering Students of Vickram College of Engineering during 16-03-2011 to 18-03 2011. In the training the practical issues of Maximum Demand, Energy Meters, Substations, Power Generation and Power Consumption were discussed. As a part of the training program the students visited Sivagangai Substation to understand the theoretical concepts. The training program enabled the students to understand the huge opportunities present in their core electrical sector.