K.S.Sarath Kumar of III Year EEE Presented a titled Greendroid and won the won 1st Prize Cash Award and a Shield and K.S.Sarath Kumar & V.Sivanamalai of III Year EEE Presented Project titled A Novel Method of Energy Saving in Automobile and won a 1st Prize of LAVA Tablets and in the Visual Concept event won the Second Prize and got the Over all Championship title at Infant Jesus College of Engineering on the event Electricus'13 on 14.03.13.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering congratulate G.Karthik and E.Muthu Veera Pandi of IV Year EEE for winning Second Prize for the Paper presentation in Raja College of Engineering and Technology , Madurai on 07.03.13.
K.S.Sarath Kumar of Third Year EEE won Second Prize in Technical Quiz in Electricks'13 at Mount Zion College of Engineering, Thirumayam, Pudukottai on 25th February.
K.Benna ,K.Suresh Kumar S.Santhosh T.Sakthisun Pandy and S.Balaji participated in a Short Film Competition and won Third Prize in the South Indian Robo Championship League on 24th Feb 2013
Aukalya.P and Nivedha.S of Third Year EEE won First prize in the Technical Symposium Solatz-i at Pandian Saraswathi Yadav Engineering College, Arasanoor.
S.M.Mohamed Navas Sharif & J.Anthoni Adaikala Dass won 1st Prize in Paper Presentation, 2nd Prize for Circuit Debugging and 3rd Prize in Quiz in Elecspire 2K13 a National Level Technical Symposium held on 15th Feb 2013 at Satyam College of Engineering, Aralvoimozhi, Kanyakumari Dist.
Diwagar S. & Niranjankumar K. of II EEE bagged I prize in the event “Scrap the Heap” conducted on the symposium "Techuthsav" held at Thiagarajar College of Engineering on 24 Jan. ’13.
Mr. J. Anthoni Adaikala Dass and Mr. S. M. Mohamed Navas Sharif of III year EEE won First Prize in paper presentation in National level technical symposium "EESORFEST'12" held at Sethu Institute of Technology held at 21st September.
Title of the paper: Non- Conventional Energy Sources. Waste to Electrical Energy
IE student chapter for EEE department was inaugurated by Dr. S. Kathirrvelu, Principal of the College on 31 July 2012 between 4.15 p.m. and 4.45 p.m. in the Core block Conference hall. About 180 students of EEE department participated in the function. The welcome address was given by Karthick.G, IV EEE, followed by which a brief introduction and history about IE was given by Aukalya.P, III EEE. The Principal gave a mind opening speech on various socities and the benefits of its members. The programme ended with the vote of thanks delivered by Benna.K, II EEE.