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  • Written by feroz
  • Hits: 962

III Year EEE Student won Prize for Paper Presentation


V.A.Yathavan of III Year EEE has won the First Prize for Paper Presentation event with the paper titled “Medical Intelligence Timer for head Phone” in Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology on the event National Level Technical Symposium on 04th September 2014.

Congrats and Well done.....

  • Written by feroz
  • Hits: 1000

III Year EEE Students won Prize for Project Presentation


Rajkumar.B and Sooriya.J.S.G of III Year EEE has won the Second Prize in the Project Presentation event -Aswathama with their project titled “Soccer Robo” in Thiagarajar College of Engineering on the event Tech Uthsav '14 on 25th August 2014

Congrats and Well done.....

  • Written by feroz
  • Hits: 1732

Spoken Tutorial Workshops


                               The Spoken Tutorial project is about teaching and learning a particular FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) like Linux, Scilab, LaTeX, PHP & MySQL, Java, C/C++, LibreOffice etc. via an easy video tool - Spoken Tutorial. A Spoken Tutorial is a screen cast with running commentary, a recording of computer session created for self learning. Each Spoken Tutorial typically runs for a duration of approximately ten minutes. Using these Spoken Tutorials, one can conduct SELF (Spoken Tutorial based Education and Learning through Free FOSS study) workshops.

                 The following Spoken Tutorial Courses were conducted in the EEE department.

                  Workshop on Scilab a FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) equivalent to MATLAB conducted on 25.07.14.                                                             2 staff members and 25 students from III Year EEE participated in this workshop.

                    Oscad Workshop conducted on 01.08.14. Open Source EDA tool for circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB design. It is an integrated tool built using open source software such as KiCad, Ngspice and Scilab.                                           29 Students from IV Year EEE participated in this workshop. 

Workshop on C and C++ (Basic and Intermediate Levels ) conducted on 05.08.14. Powerful features, simple syntax, and portability make C a preferred language among programmers, for business and industrial applications. Widely used in the development of operating systems.

25 Students from II Year EEE participated in this workshop

The Spoken Tutorial project is the initiative of the "Talk to a Teacher " project of the National Mission on Education through ICT, launched by MHRD, Govt of India.


  • Written by feroz
  • Hits: 1296

Guest Lecture on Aspects of Power Distribution System in National Grid - A Report


                              Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a guest lecture on 02.04.14 at the Ramanujam Conference Hall for the benefit of Second and Third Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering students.

                        Prof.G.Karmegam addressed the students regarding the importance of invited guest lecture. S.B.Krishnamoorthi Dy.General Manager Power Grid Corporation of India Limited ( A Government of India Enterprise) 400 KV Madurai Sub Station, Chekkanoorani, Madurai delivered the lecture on Aspects of Power Distribution System in National Grid.

                    He gave his various experience in National Grid in Tamilnadu Region and North Eastern Region. He also delivered a lecture on Safety aspects in Power Grid. The session was very interactive and it gave a different insight to the students in the field of this present Power aspects in India.

  • Written by feroz
  • Hits: 1174

II Year EEE Students won Prize for Poster Presentation

N.Anitha and S.Fathima of II Year EEE has won the Second Prize in the Poster Presentation event with their paper titled “ Wireless Communication for Solar Power Satellite” in Latha Mathavan Engineering College on the event e- Spice'14 on 20th Feb. 2014

Congrats and Well done.....

  • Written by feroz
  • Hits: 1251

Workshop on Scilab

A workshop was conducted on Scilab a FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) equivalent to MATLAB on 18.12.13. This is a self learning workshop where the course materials are available in video format downloaded from the spoken tutorial website of IIT Bombay.

Totally 5 Staff members and 15 students attended the 2 hours workshop. The staff of IIT Bombay interacted with the participants in the beginning, middle and the end of the programme through video conferencing. They cleared the doubts and suggested to practise the sessions before taking up the online test within 4 weeks.

                     The Second Phase of the Workship is planned to be conducted on 21.03.14 for the next batch of students.

  • Written by feroz
  • Hits: 11371

Artilcle Published in EFY

 T. Sakthisun Pandy of III Year EEE Student published an article titled PC-Based Equipment Controller in Electronics For You November 2013 issue (Vol. 45 No.11, pp 95-98). The details of the project and source code available in http://www.efymag.com

Hearty Congratulations to him.

  • Written by kumarasamy
  • Hits: 1563

IV Year EEE Students Bag Prizes

K.S.Sarath Kumar and V.Sivanamalai of IV Year EEE Presented a paper titled Greendroid and won the won 2nd Prize in Mount Zion College of Engineering on the event Electricks'13 on 29.08.13 and the same team bags the 2nd Prize for Project Presentation and 3rd prize for Technical Quiz in Shanmuganathan College of Engineering on the event Eshock-13 on 23.08.13

Congrats and Well done.....

  • Written by feroz
  • Hits: 1253

Embedded with Robotics Training

Course : Embedded with Robotics Training Programme.

Date: 06/07/13 to 17/07/13

Class: IV Year EEE

Resource Persons from  EI Systems, New Delhi.

  • Written by feroz
  • Hits: 2265

EEE won the Over all Championship title

The department of EEE won the Over all Championship title for the first time on the 12th Sports Day conducted on 09.04.13. The Electron Team Captains M.Vijay & S.Sharmila Final Year EEE received the Overall Championship Shield from Dr.K.Rosaiah His Excellency the Governer of Tamilnadu.

The department of EEE congratulate all the students who participated in various games and made this achievement.


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