The IET-VICKRAMCE Chapter of our college will be organizing a Guest Lecture on “ Recent Trends in MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical System)” by Dr.E.K.T.SIVAKUMAR , Faculty Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, AnnaUniversity , Chennai. The 2nd year , Third year and Final year IET student members with staff members participated on August 2nd, 2016at 9 am at the Ramanujam conference Hall (Core Block).The chief guest introduced was by Ms.R.Shanthipriya final year EEE..Dr.E.K.T.SIVAKUMAR briefly explained about the Recent Trends in MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) and the components used in MEMS .Dr.S.Nagarajan Principal VCE presented the momento to the Chief Guest. Ms.K.Poornima final year EEE delivered the vote of thanks.
Vickram College of Engineering organized a Guest Lecture on “Technology Enabled Learning” in collaboration with IET in our campus on April 6th , 2016. The program began with invocation. Mr.V.Kumarasamy welcomed the gathering and gave a brief account on IET. Ms.Chitra Ragunathan III CSE and Ms.K.vinothini, III CSE welcomed and introduced the chief guest. Mr.Solaikutty Dhanabal, Regional Manager National Instruments, Chennai, submitted the chief guest address on the topic Technology Enabled Learning. He stressed more on communicative skills which will help the students to explore new horizons and instructed the students to develop their subject knowledge, skill sets and attitude. He also emphasised the students to take up mini projects, listen to online lectures and also to meet industrial experts to become a better engineer in future. He also quoted on unlearning and relearning. He ended his lecture by advising the students to invest their time in a proper way. Dr. Nagarajan, the Principal, Vickram College of Engineering motivated the students and delivered the vote of thanks. The program ended with the national anthem.
Greetings from IET KKLN Younger Professional section
The IET-VICKRAMCE Chapter of our college will going to organize a PATW (Present Around The World) preliminary round paper presentation in any engineering topic for 10 minutes for IET Student members. Only one IET student can participate from each department.
Each Department has to select one student by conducting internal selection rounds. From these five students the winner and runner will be selected on 24-03-16 at 2:30 pm at Ramanujam Hall.
The winner and runner can participate in the KKLN YP Congress (PATW of IET Kanyakumari Local network ) will be scheduled on 14th April 2016.
The venue of the PATW may be at Tirunelveli or Nagarcoil.
P.Hasmathul Hajira and M.Dhivya from III Year EEE are the Winners of the Poster Presentation contest organized by Rise 'N' Shine held at Vickram College of Engineering during the National Science Day celebrations on 27th February 2016, in collaboration with Junior Chamber International, Madurai Section.
The IET Chapter of Vikram Engineering college getting 100 New members for the last academic year. It was well appreciated by the IET Kanyakumari Local Network and it announces Er. D.A.Rajan Award 2015 for Mr.M.S.Vikram ,Joint secretary Vickram College of Engineering for Active Leadership in IET.
IET Kanyakumari Local Networkoffice bearers (2015-2016) Committee Meeting was held in our college on 19th February 2016. Welcome Address delivered by Dr.S.Nagarajan, Principal, Vickram College of Engineering and the function was Presided By Er.S.Vickram, Secretary,Vickram College of Engineering in the presence of Mr.S.Raghavan, IET Regional Head.
SCH.Kodeeswaran of II Year EEE Won II Prize in the event Paper Presentation contest in Spark Light 2k15 organized by the Department of Electrical and electronics Engineering on 23rd September 2015 at The Kavery Engineering College, Mechri, Salem.
Also he Won II Prize in the event Paper Presentation contest in Techfest'15 organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 30th September 2015 at VV College of engineering, VV Nagar, Tisaiyanvilai,Tirunelveli.
A 3 days training programme on “INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS” was conducted at L&T Switchgear training centre – Connoor from 27th September '15 to 29th September '15 for Batch I and 30th septembet to 2nd October for Batch II
Totally 63 participants, 59 students including 4 staff members attended this training.
On Day 1 the session starts with a brief introduction about Low Tension switchgear – A device that is a combination of devices primarily intended for the purpose of making, carrying and breaking current in electric circuits under normal as well as abnormal conditions.They deals with the different types of switches and switch gears and their applications.In workshop session, deals with real time operation of contactors such as quenching, humming and chattering.
On Day 2 the sessions consists of factors leading to overheating in electrical equipments, devices for motor protection, selection procedure for thermal over load relays that employs in protection and the action performed while tripping of relays. Starter for 3 Phase induction motor, such as DOL starter,Star-Delta, Auto transformer starter. The work shop session followed by the class room session made a clear picture on the real time operation of relays, starters and contactors.
On Day 3 the sessions consists of protection devices for motor such as MCB and MCCB in the class room session as well as in the work shop session. In the workshop session, gives the detailed idea about ACB (Air Circuit Breakers) and HRC (High Rupture Capacity) fuse links.They demonstrate different kinds of ACBs (manual,motorized etc) and different kinds of HRC fuses (f type,bolted and plate type).The session ends with a small objective type test followed by certificate distribution.
We the department of Electrical and Electronics Congratulate the following IV Year students for their outstanding performance in the British English Council Exam.