- Written by PONRAJ SANKAR
- Hits: 1546
Contract and Arbitration in PWD
A Guest Lecture programme was organised by the Dept. Of Civil Engineering on 26-8-10 for the II,III and Final Year students of Civil Engineering in the conference hall of the College. The Resource Person was Er. N.Vaidyanathan,Former Dy. Chief Engineer,Public Works Department,TN. The programme commenced with the welcome address given by the Principal Dr.S.Kathirrvelu. After that the Reosurce Person gave his presentation on the topic 'Procedure of Awarding Contract and Arbitration in PWD'. He explained the students about the scope and importance of Civil Engineering. He advised the students to explore new avenues in the Private and Public Sector Enterprises.Through the slides he explained the procedures and disputes related to Tenders,Contracts and Bidding in Govt. and Private sectors. The students found the session to be highly informative and useful.Nearly 160 students got benefited through this programme. The programme came to the end with the vote of thanks proposed by Dean of the college Mr.M.Palanikumar.