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  • Written by PONRAJ SANKAR
  • Hits: 1362

Modern Concrete Technology in Civil Engineering

A Guest Lecture was organised by the Department Of Civil Engineering on 25-8-10 at the conference hall for the II,III and Final Year students of Civil Engineering.The Resource Person was Mr.V.Muthu,Chairman,Association of Consulting Civil Engineers, Madurai Centre. He also rendered his services as Dean of Thiagarajar College of Engineering.The programme commenced with the welcome address given by the Principal Dr.S.Kathirrvelu. After that the stage was handed over to the Resource Person. He shared his views on 'Modern Concrete Technology in Civil Engineering'.Through his slides he explained the students about 'Latest trends adopted for using concrete'.He also stressed upon the use of fly ash which is eco- friendly in nature. In the second session he interacted with the students and encouraged them to explore new avenues in the field of Civil Engineering. Nearly 160 students got benefited through this programme. The programme came to the end with the vote of thanks proposed by the Dean of the college Mr.M.Palanikumar.


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