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  • Written by ponraj
  • Hits: 1694


A two-day staff development programme ( 13. 7.'12 and 14. 7. '12 ) on BRICSCAD drafting tool was organised by department of Civil Engineering for faculty members of various disciplines like Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering and also few non teaching faculty. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. S. Kathirrvelu, Principal of the College and Mr. Sanjay Jamalpur from Bricscad offered a comprehensive view and handed on training on 2D and 3D Modelling which is said to occupy an advantageous position when compared with the existing drafting tools. The training rendered to about 30 members would facilitate in imparting the same to the students and thereby equip them to cope with the industry expectations.

The training was coordinated by Associate Professor L. Ponraj sankar, Department of Civil Engineering.

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