- Written by kamatchipriya
- Hits: 1819
Inaguration of Incubation Center
Vickram College of Engineering in colobration with Nexhop Services Private Ltd, Banglore/Canada, inagurated an Incubation Center for the budding researchers on 27th January 2016. The Incubation center was inagurated by Er.M.S.Vijay Sreenivas, Director, Vickram College of Engineering and Shri.Ashis Mohanty, CEO, Nexhop Service Private Ltd, Banglore/Canada. And the program was feliciated by Dr.S.Nagarajan, Principal, Vickram college of Engineering, Ms. Priyanka Das, Customer Relationship Manager, Nexhop Private Ltd, Banglore/Canada and Mr.Sindhya Peter, Lead Developer, Nexhop Private Ltd, Banglore/Canada. The main goal of this center is to help the students to caputure new innovative ideas and to extend their scope of research. This new endeavor will open door for internships and projects for the final year students.