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  • Written by jeyapaul
  • Hits: 1400

Mission 10X Faculty Empowerment Workshop

Mission 10X - a Faculty Empowerment Programme was conducted from 23rd November 09 to 27th November 09.  Mission 10X launched by Wipro in collaboration with Anna University, Chennai is aimed at empowering faculty members with innovative teaching techniques and tools, so as to make class room teaching more effective and result oriented to increase the employability of the students. This workshop was held in our campus to benefit the faculty members from Pannai Engineering College, St. Michael Engineering College and Vickram College of Engineering. 

Wipro officials – Mr. Veerendra P. Pillarisetty, Ms. Lehka Jyothi, Dr. Sujatha & Prof. Bhagavan interacted with the faculty members and emphasised the need to make classroom a lively place for learning.  Teachers have to be creative in their approach.  Learning should not be instruction-oriented, but activity-oriented.  Teacher is only a facilitator, a catalyst, and the classroom should be student-centred, and not teacher-centred. 

In the valedictory function held on 27th Nov 09, our Chairman Sri M.K.S. Sreenivasan addressed the staff and reiterated that teaching is not a job, but a vocation, and hence, it has to be done with whole-hearted involvement.  He commended the efforts of Wipro in empowering the faculty members in the 5-Day programme, with new strategies in the profession.  Our Principal Prof. M. Palanikumar remarked that faculty members need to change their outlook and rise up to the expectations of the industry.  He observed that such interaction between the academia and the industry should continue to prevail so as to improve the skills of our students in this region. Mrs. Prithima  Coordinated the workshop.

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