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  • Written by Karthikeyeni
  • Hits: 2490


A one-day workshop on “Ideation Conclave” was organised in our college on 18.07.'11 at the conference hall. Student members of Young Indians contributed actively in the session. The programme began with the welcome address rendered by Mr. Raghu Ram, Co Chair-YI madurai chapter & Director Operations, ARC Group of Companies. Mr. Gowrishankar of Akshaya Patra Foundation, Bangalore, a 11-year-old NGO made an impressive presentation stating that it has undertaken the initiative of feeding 13 lakhs school going children in states like Rajasthan, Assam etc. The motto of this organisation is that “No child in India should be deprived of education because of hunger”. The presentation offered to be a source of inspiration to students to come out with novel and benevolent technological ideas.

The feasibility of the idea and its level of scalablility were critically assessed with a self-evaluation questionnaire. Mr. Rahul Mirchandani, Chairman, International Relations & Partnerships motivated the students to put forward their ideas by believing that all desirables are do-ables. Presentation containing a pool of ideas concerning Energy Conservation, Smart Headlights, Hydro-Potential Car and Touch screen and Light-Pen methods to be adopted in the examination system were made by the students. A jury consisting of four members including our Joint-Secretary Mr. M. SR. Raj Santhosh critically evaluated the presentations and selected Hydro-potential Car to be the best of all presentations. It was actually a day for the students to get together and prove their mettle.

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