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  • Written by Karthikeyeni ENG
  • Hits: 2037


I'm indeed privileged to share about the Young Indians meeting that took place at Hotel Pandian on 14th July 2011. It was a learning session on the topic “Leading Change” attended by 12members with representation from all departments in our college. Mr. Bhaskar Bhatt , Managing Director, Titan Industries addressed the gathering and began his speech by comparing a successful train journey to that of any successful organization wherein  the whole system has to be credited for any success. He also pointed out that change is necessary but it need not always be about winning and there also different  kinds of ways by which people react to change  namely, 1. Resist and Combat 2. Accept and Embrace 3. Initiate and Drive. People who adopt the first point of view will be bureaucratic, those who belong to the second category would be good managers and those who initiate and lead changes will be a good leader.

He thereby insisted  the necessity of picking up the impulse of change and acting accordingly.  With that he moved on to narrate the 23-year-old triumphant journey of Titan and its ways of catering to the needs of both premium and mass market. He also pointed out that success can even pave way for failures citing the failure of their jewelery business and therefore he cautioned saying that " Take risk but reduce the size of risk". He opined that generating high level of employee engagement  enabled them to become  world's 5th largest watch manufacturer and become a healthy, wealthy, sharing and caring corporate entity which is the envy of Indian companies. He was also confident enough to foresee that the next 25 years belong to Asia and therefore we don't have choice but to seize the opportunity. In doing that we should be collective , risk by piloting and make customers first. He  concluded saying that one should face challenges with real sustenance and accelerate the moment, for all that to happen he counts on a charismatic leader who can think like a visionary beyond the focal point.  

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