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  • Written by sherlley
  • Hits: 2444

Colombian Diary

Hola..Como estas? Hello, How are you?

When one has lived in a society which is so very apprehensive about the strangers, it was indeed strange for me to get used to these greetings from almost every one ..No wonder this became the first Spanish phrase which I understood. Many of you might be knowing that I am in Colombia, a beautiful country in South America..What is the picture which comes to your mind when you think of Colombia? Drug cartel, beautiful women (Of course, Shakira)...Believe me you are not alone.

Upon arriving here, all my preconceived notions of this country and the people were broken. The people here are so hospital, very beautiful both in body and soul. You happen to hear Hola como estas, bein, gracias, hasta luego (Hello, How are you? Fine Thank you, See you later) from strangers you meet in lifts, shops, restaurant and the likes.

This country is very beautiful, almost picturesque and the people here ensure that it continue to remain so. I happened to travel by the Metro rail here, and I could not help comparing it with our railway stations back in India. Believe me, I found the station so neat, so organized...and no hawkers . No graffiti and of course not smelly...The construction sites are covered and it is ensured that the normal traffic is not disrupted nor the general public is disturbed. The sites are covered and the surroundings are cleaned regularly. We have read about Cleanliness is next to Godliness...in this country it is practiced verbatim.

The annual flower show is on next week.

Until then, adieus, hasta pronto..

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