- Written by madhu
- Hits: 1680
Academic Project
Now its “Academic Project” season, a thoughtful time especially for our final year students, it’s both a concern and worry for the students and that’s the reason students tend to choose the most common and undisputedly the easiest of the projects. What students fail to understand is academic project is the one and only procedure by which a student can identify the bridge between the book world and the real world. Not to mention only if the student identifies the bridge he or she can walk through it.
The academic project should demonstrate the application of skills, knowledge of the discipline to solving a problem representative of the type to be encountered at the professional level and above all the positive enthusiasm to get things done. Conversely most of the students are not aware about the importance, advantages and the requirements of the academic projects it is considered to be a hurdle and not a learning experience. The worst thing is that many of us tend to submit project that isn’t their effort instead someone else’s project bought or borrowed. This indeed will backfire once you learn the importance of academic project in ones career.
Experts say a student should select a relevant project topic and make sure to use the latest technology available, industrial tools and always be innovative. Always ensure that your academic project is career oriented.
P.S (Steps to be taken to get success)
- Examine your project options carefully and completely
- Choose your project partners with care. Be confident that your team will share the work
- Choose your advisor with the same care.
- As a first step prepare a project proposal with the help of your advisor
- Discuss the expectations of your advisor as to the end result of the project
- Set up working, discussing and presenting schedule.
- Start working