- Written by madhu
- Hits: 2314
Need for "Food Engineering"
It seems “rats are healthier than an average Indian” Dr. H.A.B. Parpia, renowned food scientist and United Nations food expert, said: “Six rats eat the food of one man and an average rat in the country is more nutritionally healthy than an average Indian.” He pointed out that food loss during the post- harvest stage was 30 per cent to 35 per cent while the loss of perishable products was 50 per cent.
Food saved is equal to food produced and water conserved. Even though India is the 2nd largest food producer in the world, it wastes more than Rs 58, 000 crore worth of food each year. The food wastage in India is mainly attributed to poor food storage and inferior food processing techniques. Our country is in need of superior engineering services to develop trouble free logistics, hi tech storage facilities and food processing machineries which can handle mammoth amount of food products. Young engineers must note the huge potential in food engineering which could be very lucrative in the near future and not to mention the 'need of the hour'.