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  • Written by Rajarajeswari
  • Hits: 2029

CUIC - TNSLPP - Infosys - ALL Zones at Chennai (7 & 8 March 2014)

Centre for University Industry Collaboration, Anna University, Chennai is organizing Tamil Nadu State Level Placement Programme. The details are given below.

Organisation Name : M/s Infosys Limited

Recruitment Date : 7th & 8th March 2014

Zone : Chennai, Coimbatore & Madurai

Venue : Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, Poonamallee - Thiruvallur Road, Aranvoyal Kuppam, Thiruvallur District - 602 025.

Eligibility : Final year students of B.E. / B.Tech. (CSE, ECE, EEE, EIE, ICE & IT) with CGPA 7.50 (no rounding off) and above with No Standing Arrears from I Semester to Last Semester

SSLC : 75.00% (no rounding off) and above marks

HSC : 75.00% (no rounding off) and above marks.

All the eligible candidates have to pay a one time Registration fee of Rs. 750/- (Rupees Seven hundred and fifty only) in the form of Demand draft drawn in favour of “The Director, CUIC, Anna University” payable at Chennai. However, students who have already paid the Registration Fee for the academic year 2013-2014 need not pay again and should bring their CUIC Placement Passport Book without fail.

They are also requested to do Online Registration on or before 21.02.2014 through the link:

The registered students will receive an Invitation mail from M/s Infosys on 24.02.2014 and the students are directed to register in M/s Infosys link (registration procedure is available in Anna University website) and generate Hall Ticket to appear for the Online Test. The Placement Officers are requested to help the students in the registration process. M/s Infosys Limited has agreed to provide a helpdesk, at the venue on 6th March 2014 for the students who are having difficult to generate their Hall Ticket.

The Interested and Eligible students are directed to register through online before 21.02.2014, 3.00 PM, Sharp.

The registered students will receive a Invitation mail from M/s Infosys on 24.02.2014 and the students are directed to register in M/s Infosys and generate Hall Ticket to appear in Online Test.

1. The students having hall ticket are alone permitted to take M/s Infosys Test.
2. A help desk is provided on 06.03.2014 for the students who are not able to generate their Hall Ticket.
3. The students has already attended in previous drives are not eligible to attend now.
4. The Principal / Placement Officer are requested to ensure that only the interested and eligible students are alone to register the same, failing which they cannot able to participate in the drive.



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