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  • Written by Ponraj sankar
  • Hits: 1592


                A Guest Lecture programme was organised by the Department of Civil Engineering on 11-3 -11 at the conference hall for the I, II and Pre-Final year students . The Resource Person was Er. A. Elango, Asst. Executive Engineer,Water Resource Organisation, Madurai Region, Tamilnadu.The programme commenced with the Welcome address and Introductory speech given by the Prof. N.Vaidyanathan, Department of Civil Engineering. After that the Resource Person gave his presentation on 'Minor Irrigation Structures'. He opened his presentation by stating the importance and functions of minor irrigation structures. Then he explained in detail to the students about the various parameters of design used in this type of irrigation. He further discussed about the source of water, conveyance and the distribution of water to the agricultural purpose. In his last session he encouraged the students to gain knowledge and information in this field, since irrigation plays a key role in the growth and development of our country. The programme came to the end with a vote of thanks proposed by the Dean, Prof. M. Palanikumar. 180 students and staff participated in this programme and reaped the benefits.

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