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  • Written by PONRAJ SANKAR
  • Hits: 1384


 Parents-Teachers Meeting for IInd year Civil Engineering students was conducted today. Parents of around thirty students participated and interacted in the meeting.The Meeting started with the address of the Principal Dr.S.Kathirrvelu's to the parents and stressed on the responsibilities of Parents, Teachers and Students towards improving the quality of student's education. The Principal also spoke on the potential of Civil Engineering in today's dynamic world.

This was followed by the interaction between the parents and the college authorities. Queries ranged on the facilities of the college, hostel and transport and were answered by the Principal and the College Administrative Officer, Mr. Nagarajan. Parents also had a discussion the general behaviour of students in college.

The HOD of Civil Engineering Dept.  Mr L Ponraj Sankar and Second year Class adviser Mr V Dass Mohan had one to one meeting with all the parents, the details of which are duly recorded in the Student History Register. A SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat) analysis on the students performance and University results was done. Feedback from the parents regarding the studies of their ward, expectation from the faculties were also recorded.


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