- Written by KamatchiPriya
- Hits: 2562
Curriculum and Syllabus: M.E. 2011 CSE, AUC 2011
Semester: 2
CS9221, Data Base Technology
Subject Introduction / Notes not available
Distributed Databases Vs Conventional Databases - Architecture - Fragmentation - Query Processing - Transaction Processing - Concurrency Control - Recovery.
Introduction to Object Oriented Data Bases - Approaches - Modeling and Design - Persistence - Query Languages - Transaction - Concurrency - Multi Version Locks - Recovery.
Enhanced Data Models - Client/Server Model - Data Warehousing and Data Mining - Web Databases - Mobile Databases.
ER Model - Normalization - Security - Integrity - Consistency - Database Tuning - Optimization and Research Issues - Design of Temporal Databases - Spatial Databases.
Rules - Knowledge Bases - Active And Deductive Databases - Parallel Databases - Multimedia Databases - Image Databases - Text Database
1. Elisa Bertino, Barbara Catania, Gian Piero Zarri, Intelligent Database Systems, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
2. Carlo Zaniolo, Stefano Ceri, Christos Faloustsos, R.T.Snodgrass, V.S.Subrahmanian, Advanced Database Systems, Morgan Kaufman, 1997.
3. N.Tamer Ozsu, Patrick Valduriez, Principles Of Distributed Database Systems, Prentice Hal International Inc., 1999.
4. C.S.R Prabhu, Object-Oriented Database Systems, Prentice Hall Of India, 1998.
5. Abdullah Uz Tansel Et Al, Temporal Databases: Theory, Design And Principles-, Benjamin Cummings Publishers, 1993.
6. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, -Database Management Systems-, Mcgraw Hill,
Third Edition 2004.
7. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silberschatz, S. Sudharshan, -Database System Concepts-, Fourth Ediion, Mcgraw Hill, 2002.
8. R. Elmasri, S.B. Navathe, -Fundamentals Of Database Systems-, Pearson Education, 2004.
CS9222, Advanced Operating Systems
Subject Introduction / Notes not available
Overview - Functions of an Operating System - Design Approaches - Types of Advanced - Operating System - Synchronization Mechanisms - Concept of a Process, Concurrent Processes - The Critical Section Problem, Other Synchronization Problems - Language Mechanisms for Synchronization - Axiomatic Verification of Parallel Programs - Process Deadlocks - Preliminaries - Models of Deadlocks, Resources, System State - Necessary and Sufficient conditions for a Deadlock - Systems with Single - Unit Requests, Consumable Resources, Reusable Resources.
Introduction - Issues - Communication Primitives - Inherent Limitations - Lamport's Logical - Clock; Vector Clock; Causal Ordering; Global State; Cuts; Termination Detection. Distributed Mutual Exclusion - Non-Token Based Algorithms - Lamport's Algorithm - Token Based Algorithms - Suzuki-Kasami's Broadcast Algorithm - Distributed Deadlock Detection - Issues - Centralized Deadlock Detection Algorithms - Distributed Deadlock-Detection Algorithms. - Agreement Protocols - Classification - Solutions - Applications.
Distributed File systems - Architecture - Mechanisms - Design Issues - Distributed Shared Memory - Architecture - Algorithm - Protocols - Design Issues. Distributed Scheduling - Issues - Components - Algorithms.
Basic Concepts - Classification of Failures - Basic Approaches to Recovery - Recovery in Concurrent System - Synchronous and Asynchronous Checkpointing and Recovery - Check pointing in Distributed Database Systems - Fault Tolerance - Issues - Two-phase and Non-blocking Commit Protocols - Voting Protocols - Dynamic Voting Protocols
Structures - Design Issues - Threads - Process Synchronization - Processor Scheduling - Memory Management - Reliability / Fault Tolerance - Database Operating Systems - Introduction - Concurrency Control - Distributed Database Systems - Concurrency Control - Algorithms.
1. Mukesh Singhal and N. G. Shivaratri, Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2000
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, G. Gagne, Operating System Concepts, Sixth Edition, Addison Wesley Publishing Co., 2003.
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Second Edition, Addison Wesley,2001.
CS9223, Advanced System Software
Subject Introduction / Notes not available
Unit I - Basic Compiler Functions
Grammars - Lexical Analysis - Syntactic Analysis - Code Generation - Heap Management - Parameter Passing Methods - Semantics of Calls and Returns - Implementing Subprograms - Stack Dynamic Local Variables - Dynamic binding of method calls to methods - Overview of Memory Management, Virtual Memory, Process Creation - Overview of I/O Systems, Device Drivers, System Boot
Unit II - Introduction and Overview
Symbol table structure - Local and Global Symbol table management Intermediate representation - Issues - High level, medium level, low level intermediate languages - MIR, HIR, LIR - ICAN for Intermediate code Optimization - Early optimization - loop optimization
Unit III - Procedure optimization
in-line expansion - leaf routine optimization and shrink wrapping - register allocation and assignment - graph coloring - data flow analysis - constant propagation - alias analysis - register allocation - global references - Optimization for memory hierarchy - Code Scheduling - Instruction scheduling - Speculative scheduling - Software pipelining - trace scheduling - Run-time support - Register usage - local stack frame - run-time stack - Code sharing position - independent code
Unit IV - Introduction to Virtual Machines (VM)
Pascal P-Code VM - Object-Oriented VMs - Java VM Architecture - Common Language Infrastructure - Dynamic Class Loading - Security - Garbage Collection - Optimization
Unit V - Emulation
Interpretation and Binary Translation - Instruction Set Issues - Process Virtual Machines - Profiling - Migration - Grids - Examples of real world implementations of system software
1. Steven S. Muchnick, Advanced Compiler Design Implementation, Morgan Koffman lsevier Science, India, First Edition 2004
2. James E Smith and Ravi Nair, Virtual Machines, Elsevier, 2005. (Units 4, 5) (Sections 1.0-1.6, 2.0-2.5, 2.8, 3.0-3.6, 4.2, 5.0-5.3, 5.5-5.6, 6.0-6.3, 6.5-6.6, 10.2, 10.3)
3. Robert W. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, 7th ed., Pearson Education,2006. (Unit 3) (Sections 6.9, 9.3, 9.5, 10.1-10.3, 12.10.2)
1. Alfred V Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D Ullman, Compilers, Pearson Education, 1986.
2. Terrance W Pratt, Marvin V Zelkowitz, T V Gopal, Programming Languages, 4th ed.,Pearson Education, 2006.
3. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky, Computer Organization, 5th ed., McGraw Hill, 2002.
4. Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, -Operating System Concepts-, 6th ed., Wiley, 2003.
CS9224, Information Security
Subject Introduction / Notes not available
Unit I - An Overview of Computer Security
Access Control Matrix - Policy-Security policies - Confidentiality policies - Integrity policies and Hybrid policies.
Unit II - Cryptography
Key management - Session and Interchange keys - Key exchange and generation - Cryptographic Key Infrastructure - Storing and Revoking Keys - Digital Signatures - Cipher Techniques
Unit III - Systems: Design Principles
Representing Identity - Access Control Mechanisms - Information Flow and Confinement Problem
Unit IV - Malicious Logic
Vulnerability Analysis - Auditing and Intrusion Detection
Unit V - Network Security
System Security - User Security - Program Security
1. Matt Bishop ,Computer Security art and science , Second Edition, Pearson Education
1. Mark Merkow, James Breithaupt, Information Security : Principles and Practices, First Edition, Pearson Education,
2. Whitman, Principles of Information Security, Second Edition, Pearson Education
3. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices, Third Edition, Pearson Education.
4. Security in Computing , Charles P.Pfleeger and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Third Edition.
CS9225, Web Technology
Subject Introduction / Notes not available
Unit I - Web essentials
clients - servers - communication - markup languages - XHTML - simple XHTML pages style sheets - CSS
Unit II - Client side programming
Java script language - java script objects - host objects : Browsers and the DOM
Unit III - Server side programming
java servlets - basics - simple program - separating programming and presentation - ASP/JSP - JSP basics ASP/JSP objects - simple ASP/JSP pages.
Unit IV - Representing Web data
data base connectivity - JDBC - Dynamic Web pages - XML - DTD - XML schema - DOM - SAX - Xquery.
Unit V - Building Web applications
cookies - sessions - open source environment - PHP - MYSQL - case studies.
1. Jeffrey C Jackson, Web Technology - A computer Science perspective, Persoson Education, 2007.
2. Chris Bates, Web Programming Building Internet Applications, Wiley India, 2006.
CS9261, Digital Imaging
Subject Introduction / Notes not available
Introduction - Steps in Image Processing Systems - Image Acquisition - Sampling and Quantization - Pixel Relationships - Colour Fundamentals and Models, File Formats, Image operations - Arithmetic, Geometric and Morphological.
Spatial Domain Gray level Transformations Histogram Processing - Spatial Filtering - Smoothing and Sharpening.Frequency Domain : Filtering in Frequency Domain - DFT, FFT, DCT - Smoothing and Sharpening filters - Homomorphic Filtering.
Detection of Discontinuities - Edge Operators - Edge Linking and Boundary Detection - Thresholding - Region Based Segmentation - Morphological WaterSheds - Motion Segmentation, Feature Analysis and Extraction.
Multi Resolution Analysis : Image Pyramids - Multi resolution expansion - Wavelet Transforms. - Image Compression : Fundamentals - Models - Elements of Information Theory - Error Free - Compression - Lossy Compression - Compression Standards.
Image Classification - Image Recognition - Image Understanding - Video Motion Analysis - Image Fusion - Steganography - Digital Compositing - Mosaics - Colour Image Processing..
1. Rafael C.Gonzalez and Richard E.Woods, Digital Image Processing- Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
2. Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle, Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision, Second Edition, Thomson Learning, 2001
3. Anil K.Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Person Educaiton, 2003.
R11, Elective-1
CS9227, Operating System Lab
Subject Introduction / Notes not available
PROGRAM 1: Semaphores - Multiprocessor operating systems. Assume there are three processes: Pa, Pb, and Pc. Only Pa can output the letter A, Pb B, and Pc C. - Utilizing only semaphores (and no other variables) the processes are synchronized so that the output satisfies the following conditions: - a) A B must be output before any C's can be output. - b) B's and C's must alternate in the output string, that is, after the first B is output, another B cannot be output until a C is output. - Similarly, once a C is output, another C cannot be output until a B is output. - c) The total number of B's and C's which have been output at any given point in the output string cannot exceed the number of A's which have been output up to that point. - Examples - AACB -- invalid, violates a) - ABACAC-- invalid, violates b) - AABCABC -- invalid, violates c) - AABCAAABC -- valid - AAAABCBC -- valid - AB -- valid
Unit II - PROGRAM 2: Multithreading - Multiprocessor operating systems
The Cigarette Smokers Problem - Consider a simulation with three smoker threads and one agent thread. Each smoker continuously makes a cigarette and smokes it. - But to make a cigarette, a smoker needs three ingredients: tobacco, paper, and matches. One of the smoker threads has only paper, another has only tobacco, - and the third has only matches. - The agent thread has an infinite supply of all three materials. - The three smoker threads are initially blocked. - The agent places two randomly chosen (different) ingredients on the table and unblocks the one smoker who has the remaining ingredient. - The agent then blocks. - The unblocked smoker removes the two ingredients from the table, makes a cigarette, and smokes it for a random amount of time, - unblocking the agent on completion of smoking the cigarette. - The agent then puts out another random two of the three ingredients, and the cycle repeats. - Write a multi-class multithreaded Java program that uses a monitor to synchronize the agent thread and the three smoker threads. - Do not mechanically translate semaphore code into monitor code! The agent thread executes in an agent object created from an agent class. - Each smoker thread executes in a smoker object. - All smoker objects are created from one smoker class whose constructor is used to specify the ingredient possessed by the smoker object. - A driver class with a main method constructs the objects and starts the threads. - Use a single monitor object instantiated from a class Control for synchronization. - Each of the four threads invokes a synchronized monitor method for its synchronization. - No semaphores are allowed. No synchronized blocks are allowed, only synchronized methods. - No busy waiting is allowed. No calls to nap inside a synchronized method are allowed - (do not nap while holding the monitor object's lock, that is, while inside a synchronized method or while inside a method called by a synchronized method).
Unit III - PROGRAM 3: Multiple sleeping barbers - Multiprocessor operating systems
Write a multi-class multithreaded Java program that simulates multiple sleeping barbers, all in one barbershop that has a finite number of chairs in the waiting room. - Each customer is instantiated from a single Customer class, each barber is instantiated from a single Barber class.
Unit IV - PROGRAM 4: Network operating systems
Establish a Lab setup for the following network operating systems based programs based on the skills in networking on your own. - E.g. for identifying networking hardware, identifying different kinds of network cabling and network interface cards can be done. - Exercises - 1. Identifying Local Area Network Hardware - 2. Exploring Local Area Network Configuration Options - 3. Verifying TCP/IP Settings - 4. Sharing Resources - 5. Testing LAN Connections
Unit V - PROGRAM 5: Real time operating systems
A real-time program implementing an alarm clock shall be developed. [Alarm clock, using C and Simple_OS] - The program shall fulfill the following requirements: - Clock with alarm functionality shall be implemented, It shall be possible to set the time, It shall be possible to set the alarm time, - the alarm shall be enabled when the alarm time is set, the alarm shall be activated when the alarm is enabled, - and when the current time is equal to the alarm time, an activated alarm must be acknowledged. - Acknowledgement of an alarm shall lead to the alarm being disabled, the alarm is enabled again when a new alarm time is set, - an alarm which is not acknowledged shall be repeated every 10 seconds. - The program shall communicate with a graphical user interface, where the current time shall be displayed, - and where the alarm time shall be displayed when the alarm is enabled. It shall be possible to terminate the program, - using a command which is sent from the graphical user interface.
Unit VI - PROGRAM 6: Transactions and Concurrency -Database operating systems
Exercises - Assume any application(e.g.banking) on your own and do the following exercises. - 1. Investigate and implement the ObjectStore's concurrency options. - 2. Implement the concurrency conflict that occurs between multiple client applications. - 3. Observe and implement the implication of nested transactions.
Unit VII - PROGRAM 7: Distributed operating systems
1. Design a RMI Lottery application. Each time you run the client program -- "java LotteryClient n", the server program "LotteryServer" will generate n set of Lottery numbers. - Here n is a positive integer, representing the money you will spend on Lottery in sterling pounds. - Write this program in a proper engineering manner, i.e. there should be specifications, design (flow chart, FD, or pseudo code), coding, test/debug, and documentation. - 2. Consider a distributed system that consists of two processes which communicate with each other. Let P be a state predicate on the local state of one process and Q be a state predicate on the local state of the other process. Assume that neither P nor Q are stable (i.e. closed). Design a superimposed computation which detects that there exists an interleaving of underlying events in this system where at some state P ^Q holds. - (A superposed computation is one that does not a_ect the underlying - occur in at the same instant as the underlying events and/or at di_erent instants.) State any assumptions you make. [Hint: Use vector clocks.]
Books information not available
CS9228, Web Technology Lab
Subject Introduction / Notes not available
Unit I - Creation of HTML pages with frames, links, tables and other tags
Usage of internal and external CSS along with HTML pages
Unit II - Client side Programming
i. Java script for displaying date and comparing two dates - ii. Form Validation including text field, radio buttons, check boxes, list box - and other controls
Unit III - Usage of ASP/JSP objects response, Request, Application, Session, Server, ADO etc
i. Writing online applications such as shopping, railway/air/bus ticket - reservation system with set of ASP/JSP pages - ii. Using sessions and cookies as part of the web application
Unit IV - Writing Servlet Program using HTTP Servlet
Any online application with database access
Unit V - Creation of XML document for a specific domain
Writing DTD or XML schema for the domain specific XML document - Parsing an XML document using DOM and SAX Parsers - Sample web application development in the open source environment
Books information not available