- Written by KamatchiPriya
- Hits: 2030
ICIESMS-2015 - 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Engineering and Sustainable Management Sciences
“2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Engineering and Sustainable Management Sciences” (ICIESMS-2015) was organised by Vickram College of Engineering, on 10th & 11th Apr 2015. The aim of the conference is to bring the best ideas, innovative practices and solutions that the industry desperately seeks.
The inaugural ceremony began at 10.00 a.m. on 10th Apr' 2015 with the welcome address of Principal Dr. S. Nagarajan. Mr. M.K.S Sreenivasan, Chairman, Vickram Schools and Colleges, delivered the presidential address, where he narrated the importance of integrating the various disciplines in Engineering , Science and Management to achieve better results. He released the Conference proceedings and it was received by dignitaries on the dais.
Dr .P.Veeramani, Senior Principal Scientists & Deputy Director,Center Electro-Chemical Research Institute, (CSIR-CECRI), Karaikudi, in his keynote address insisted the need for technology based work in addition to academics. He introduced the invention of chemists at The University of Texas , a new method for the desalination of seawater that consumes less energy to remove salts from seawater that is dramatically simpler than conventional techniques. The new method requires so little energy that it can run on a store-bought battery.
Dr.Mansoor Roomi, Dept.of ECE, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,in his address elevated the three mantras of Engineers that help them to cross their barries-Creativity, belief in one's action and focussed action.He engaged the audience with lot of practical examples.
Dr. Kyung – Tae Kim, Emeritus Professor, Hannam University,South Korea, highlighted that for any successful Nation , particularly in today’s quest for knowledge based economies, science, technology and engineering are the basic requisites. He also insisted the students to make effort to solve numerous problems that industries face today. Dr. T. Arivoli, Prof and Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, proposed vote of thanks.
The objective of the conference is to provide platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners to disseminate and exchange latest advances in interdisciplinary engineering sciences. This witty conference draws educators, engineers, mentors, researchers, students, as well as representatives for this consortium. The 10 technical sessions were held at Faraday Seminar Hall, Dijkstra Hall A, Dijkstra Hall B, and Turing Seminar Hall. 188 papers were selected out of 220 submissions, were presented by the participants.
On Day 1,Dr. Kyung – Tae Kim presented a special lecture on “What/ why 3D TV? How to realize it in near future?”He explained how to perceive and realize 3D objects, the technologies availlable for 3D,different polarization methods, use of polarizing filters and their structures.
On Day 2, there was a special lecture on “Electroforming technology” by Dr.Dr .P.Veeramani, Senior Principal Scientists & Deputy Director,Center Electro-Chemical Research Institute, (CSIR-CECRI), Karaikudi. He enthralled the students with importance of nanolevel accuracy which can be achieved by Electroforming techniques and not by conventional engineering process. He explained the schematics and steps involved in Electroforming system. He also highlighted how the physical,chemical and mechanical properties be altered in a metal using electroforming. He later moved on to the applications of electroforming in Cryogenic Rocket Engines and concluded his presentation with Electrofine forming in nanoprocessing.
ICIESMS ’15 came to a promising closure with Michael Jackson’s Heal the World taking a vow that we’d create a sustainable and better place for tomorrow.