- Written by Ezhil
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HR Meet 2012 'An Industry- Institute Interaction '
An HR Meet was conducted on 21st January 2012 in our campus for the benefit of the Pre-Final Year Students. The main purpose was to educate the students about the expectations of the company and the skills that they have to develop in order to make themselves ready for job in the industry. There was interaction between the HR officials and the students. Nearly 7 company staff shared their experiences and insights about how to develop employability skills.
Great Innovus Solutions Pvt Ltd.:
The CEO of Great Innovus Solutions, Sri Kalyana Sundaram inaugurated the first session of the HR Meet. He made his power-point presentation on the expectations of the company. He asked the students to bear in mind 3 significant principles of life, which are HAPPINESS, PROGRESS, & SUCCESS, which, quite often, go together. Progress is to be continual, and without progress, there is no Happiness or Success in one's life. There are 3 essential requirements, which the HR officials look for in candidates – namely, 1) Right Attitude, 2) Right Knowledge, 3) Right Skill. How to achieve this strategy? One, students have to have interest and involvement in this three-pronged strategy; then, they have to strive and keep striving, till they become achievers. That is to say they have to strive continually, despite odds. Then Sri Kalyan Sundaram talked about the importance of resume-writing. He stated that many a time, students do not show genuineness in drafting a resume. He explained how to build a successful resume in order to win the job. Resume has to be a two page document – neither too short nor too long. It has to be job-specific. It has to be unique. It has to be written, bearing in the requirements of each company. That is to say, it is not the same resume that you submit to all companies. Then he explained as to how prepare oneself for interviews. He gave a few vital tips of advice to students about enhancing their employability. He asked the students to empower themselves, by taking certification examinations, conducted by international organizations, like Microsoft, CISCO, etc. He advised students to be strong in fundamentals, like C & C ++. He also appealed to students to become entrepreneurs, after a few years of corporate exposure, and to break new grounds in technology. Without innovation, one cannot sustain in the industry.
Chella Software Pvt Ltd.:
Ms. Priya, Vice President, Process Engineering, Chella Software Pvt Ltd., explained the various stages being adopted in the selection process of a software company – 1) Aptitude Test, 2) Technical Round, & 3) HR Round. Students should not lag behind in any of these three screening stages. In the Aptitude Test, students are tested in 3 aspects – namely, Numerical Ability, Reasoning Ability, & Communicative Ability. The second bridge, which students have to get across is Technical Ability. Particularly, students have to be strong in the basic aspects of technology. Particularly, in programming, they have to be proficient and show remarkable skills. In the final Round, which is HR Round, their attitude – particularly their suitability to the corporate life is being assessed. Only those who do well in these 3 rounds, get selected by companies. To attain success in life, students have to have right focus, keep learning continually, and take efforts unceasingly till the goal is achieved. Giving excuses about the odds is not what an achiever does. An achiever turns the odds into achievements, with the stamp of his personality. This is how leaders emerge in life.
Sri Sudharsan Rajagopal, Senior Manager, Eco-Energy, Wipro, Bangalore, made an impressive presentation by touching upon a few fundamental elements of life. First of all, he advised the students to build a brand for themselves, with skills and values. That is to say, they have to make themselves unique and significant in order to be selected by companies. If they are one in the crowd, there is no possibility to be selected by companies. This indispensability of making themselves unique is possible only when they are prompted by right attitude and discipline. Right attitude is right thinking. Discipline involves adopting the right focus on the goal and cultivating the right methodology to attain the same. The second point Sri Sudharsan Rajagopal touched upon is the vitality of verbal communication, which all companies look for. Communication is not an elusive dream slipping out of our hands, but a realizable target, provided we are sincere and committed in the learning process. Communication problem arises, where there is non-application of mind to the given task. The third point he drew our attention to is the imperativeness of building our career. Building the career is possible, only when there is continual learning from all given situations. Reading from books, journals and newspapers keeps us well-informed and fine-tuned to the profession. Reading is vital and it should be unceasing at all events to rise up in one's career.
Sri Jean Walter, HR Manager, shared with students his experiences in the selection process of engineering students. He regretted that students are poor in Aptitude and General Knowledge. Because of lack of reading habits, they lag behind in Communication also. They are not confident enough to talk about fundamental matters of technology. This sorry situation has to change for the better. Reasoning ability and Programming ability are the skills which software companies look for. International certifications in Java, Dot Net, PHP, etc., will serve as booster to come up in the industry.
Hi Tech Arai Pvt Ltd.:
Ms Rajeswari, Manager, Training & Development, Hi Tech Arai Pvt Ltd., addressed our students. She gave a power-point presentation of the birth and growth of her manufacturing organization in Madurai. She stressed that her organization has made a distinctive mark for itself in the industrial map of Madurai, by virtue of the dynamic leadership of their Managing Director Sri B.T. Bangera, who is a man of vision, and who is guided by passion for perfection. Quality is the guiding motto, which all kinds of people care for. In industrial scenario, quality is all they care about for their survival in the market. Hence, when companies select, they select the best for their organization. She appealed to students to bear in mind the three-pronged strategy of life, which is ASK – A stands for Attitude, S stands for Skills, & K stands for Knowledge. These three aspects are what the companies look for – namely, the right attitude towards the corporate life, the right skills for the right job, and the knowledge essential for the given tasks in the corporate world. She advised the students to build their career, on a sound basis, by imbibing the above mentioned three essential traits.
In the afternoon session, students were shown a few video slides on Suhas Gopinath, Avinash Shree, & 6th Sense. After the video programmes, the session continued with two more presentations – one by Sri Sriram, from TVS Tyres, and the other by S. Sugumar, Winways Systems.
TVS Tyres:
Sri N. Sriram, Asst General Manager, TVS Tyres, spoke to our students about how they have to prepare themselves for challenges in the industry. To make success in life, common sense and logic play a large role. Engineers must realize that they are products of God. As products, engineers must exhibit high qualities – such as positive thinking, proper time management, result-oriented, creativity, flexibility, development of resources, good industrial relations, etc. Sri N. Sriram advised the students not to believe in luck, but to believe in hard work. As engineers, they need to have the right skills, which must be developed for achieving higher productivity in the organization.
Winways Systems Pvt Ltd.:
Sri Sugumar, Winways Systems Pvt Ltd., talked about the Tamil film – Nanban. He stated that the film shows how engineers have to be innovative. Students must visit industries and gain knowledge of the expectations of the industries. Industrial visits and in-plant training will serve as eye-openers. To be successful in the industrial careers, engineers should be strong in fundamental concepts. They should share with their counterparts their problems and successes. Problem-solving approach is the domain of engineers. Hence, they have to keep on improving their skills, in tune with the advancement of technologies. They should also be good in communicating their findings and observations.