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  • Written by chandrasekaran
  • Hits: 3694

A Lecture cum Demo Programme on Fire Fighting & first Aid Awareness

A Lecture cum Demo Programme on Fire Fighting & first Aid Awareness, was coducted at 3.00 pm on 18-10-2011, in front of I Year Block, for the benefit of the I Year Students, Teaching Staff and Non Teaching Staff of Vickram college of Engineering.
The programme was conducted by Mr.R. Chandra Sekharan, Sr. Lect. of the Training Department, with the approaching Deepavali in mind. The types of fires, the proper use of the various fire extinguishers as per the types of fires, the procedure to be adopted to extinguish inadvertent fire, at the starting stage itself, and the steps that are to be taken depending on the enormity of it were explained to the participants. The precautions to be observed for the safe Deepavali celebration were also discussed elaborately.
The first aid procedures, do's and dont's, the occasions, incidents and accidents, which create necessity of the usage of suitable first aid appliances, were discussed. 317 students and 11 teaching and non teaching staff were benefited. The Training and Placement Department, with the help of the management of Vickram College of Engineering, has done elaborate arrangements for the successful conduction of the Programme.


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