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Techie Magazine 2013

  • Written by sherlley
  • Hits: 2508

A Better India: A Better World by N R Narayana Murthy

I have been reading this book for quite some time and have been contemplating to write a review about it.

This book is based on Narayana Murthy's lectures delivered around the world. He was persuaded by his son to put his speeches into a book with relentless argument for why this should be done. He speaks on a myriad of topics. The book has been divided based on his address to students, on values, national issues, education, globalisation, entrepreneurship, leadership challenges, corporate and public governance, corporate social responsibility and about Infosys.

In his series of lectures Mr Murthy opines that the great Indian growth story has not benefited all the sections of the people and is distorted. He states that more than 300 million Indians still do not have freedom from hunger, illiteracy and disease. The enigma of India is that our progress in higher education and in science and technology has not been sufficient to take 350 million Indians out of illiteracy.

During his introspection into the phenomenon of equitable economic progress in developing countries he read three seminal books that have influenced his thinking deeply. They are: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber; My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi; and Peau Noire, Masques Blancs (Black skin, White Masks) by Franz Fanon. His entire philosophy of economic development has been based on these three books.

He acknowledges Max Weber for laying the foundation of his belief that decent and hard-working people with high aspirations make great nations, no matter what the odds are.

He attributes Mahatma Gandhi on the importance of good leadership in raising the aspiration of people, making them accept sacrifices to achieve a grand vision, and most importantly, in converting that vision into reality. The biggest lesson derived from Gandhi's book and life is the importance of leading by example.

He was perplexed as why India was not making the kind of progress that seemed so natural. This is where Franz Fanon's book opened his eyes to the role of bureaucracy and the elite in decelerating the progress of the poor and the disfranchised. The colonial mindset of the 'dark elite in white masks' in a post colonial society – the mindset that the ruled and the rulers have different sets of rights and responsibilities with a huge asymmetry in favour of the rulers.

He places the traditional ingredients of capital, material resources, technology and talent important albeit lesser to the three he imbibed by the books.

This book contains thirty eight select speeches from the many he has delivered to varied audiences across the world. It acts as a manifesto for the youth, the architects of the future, and a compelling argument for why a better India holds the key to a better world. He believes that if these speeches can motivate at least a few thousand youngsters to accept these suggestions and make this country and the world a better place, then his job is done.

Happy reading.

Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd (2009)

ISBN: 9780143068570

Genre: Non fiction













  • Written by Hemadarshini ENG
  • Hits: 1621

Book Review - Ask Yourself Questions and Change Your Life.


TITLEAsk Yourself Questions and Change Your Life.

AUTHOR: Arlene Harder.

GENRE: Self-improvement.

THEME: Penetration into the inner self to discover calls for action.

"How could I be so stupid?" 

"Why did I do that?" 

"What was I thinking?" 

"How come it doesn't work ONLY for me?"

"Why can’t I be successful like others?" 

         Our life is filled with questions, doubts, and misgivings. Many of our questions are not worded and delivered in ways that could foster growth. Ask Yourself Questions and Change Your Life is a thoughtful book at how we change, and what we need to do to create a stunning change in our lives.  Harder gently, and sensitively takes the reader along every step of the way, providing just the right questions, tools and approaches to make life’s journey fulfilling and satisfying. The clear message we get from the book is—it is indeed the questions we ask to ourselves that could guide our life. These questions lead us being comfortable with the unknown and make us feel that we’re on our way just “exploring.”

              The fascinating feature of the book is that there’s no expert telling us to do this, that etc., nor any easy steps provided for success. But, we’ll find lots and lots of questions. The book contains 9chapters covering themes like “Change Process”, “What am I Today”, “Past Influences”, “Different Life”. “Goals”, “Commitment”, “Support Your Efforts” and so on. At the end of each chapter, Harder boxes 3-5 look-easy questions that coerces and demands our meticulous thinking. If we find a sound answer for them, we can be assured that we are in the right track. Complementing the questions are metaphors and stories, offering accessible guidance to uncover answers.

              Harder shows that making changes doesn’t require any spell: just clarity, courage, and a unique perspective. For a ‘change-seeker’, this is the ultimate book!

Happy reading!



Material: Paperback with 161 pages.

Publication: Mumbai: Embassy Books,2008.

ISBN 10: 81-88452-99-8

ISBN 13: 978-81-88452-99-6.




  • Written by Hemadarshini ENG
  • Hits: 1736

‘The Greatest’ in Life.

‘The Greatest’ in Life

The greatest mystery – Death!

The greatest gift – Life!

The greatest work – What you love doing!

The greatest feeling – Happiness!

The greatest sorrow – A broken heart!

The greatest thought – “I can!”

The greatest want – Acceptance!

The greatest need – Awareness!

The greatest waste – Hatred!

The greatest asset – Your mind!

The greatest tool – Your body!

The greatest sense – Touch!

The greatest relationship – Long-term friendship!

The greatest criminal – A liar!

The greatest bankruptcy – Lack of confidence!

The greatest mistake – Quitting!

The greatest moment – Now!

The greatest bore – Repetition!

The greatest trick – Proving the impossible to be possible!


The greatest heart would certainly ponder on all these greatest things! 

  • Written by sherlley
  • Hits: 2087

Book Review: What Color is Your Parachute? For teens. . .


Colour, colour what colour do you choose?”



      Remember the four cups game which you would have played in your childhood. At the threshold of making career decisions, one is pounded with choices and questions. In today's uber - competitive climate, you can't just wing it when you graduate and count on finding a great job ( or a great job finding you). It pays to figure out your interests early, so you can decide what additional schooling-and tuition debt -makes sense for your chosen field.

     I was given this provoking book by my husband as a support material for my communication skill lab classes. I experimented it with my previous batch students (current mech final year students). I was happy to see it produced the desired result of preparing oneself for the fututre (it hit the nail on head for some smiley). Extrapolating further, I decided to write a review of the book.

     This book dwells on the mind of the students and instigates them to peek into the crystal ball of future with some real ground work. It sets the mind on an exploration-discovering self...working out the preferences (preferred skills and preferred environment) and chalking both short term goal and long term goal.

    The book is about yourself, your dreams, your goals, your job and your vision to your future. It facilitates you to realise your dreams and live your dreams. The book is divided into three parts

     (i) Discovering your dream job

    (ii) On the way to your future

   (iii) Landing your dream job.

    The first part of the book facilitates one to reflex on

  •         * favourite interests and best skills

  •         * favourite types of people

  •         * ideal work environment

On the way to future ponders on how to make the most of school and college. The section details a goal setting tool to shape ones future. It also describes the usage of social networking and social media to boost your career.

The third section details on how to search and find your dream job. It describes in detail the top 10 mistakes job hunters make and how one can avoid them. The book also encourages the readers to be in vogue with the emerging career trends. The last chapter in this section guides in creating the life you want.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” Napoleon Hill.

This book is for discovering yourself and defining your future. It is about visualising your future. Colour your dream and materialise it..

Envision, Enliven and Evolve.




  • Written by Hemadarshini ENG
  • Hits: 2855

Book Review - Pygmalion.



AUTHOR: George Bernard Shaw.


THEME: A flower girl from the gutters is taught to speak properly that she passes as a duchess.

                  Drama is a genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. At the center of a drama is usually a character or characters who are in conflict at a crucial moment in their lives.With Pygmalion we are very happy to introduce you to such genre!

     The change a language could bring into an individual’s life is remarkable: especially when it comes to English. English has opened great avenues—provided if intently considered—to common, uncouth people paving way for greater searches and prospects. Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion is a highly celebrated play that casts light on an impoverished, young flower girl, Eliza, who aspires to levitate her status by means of becoming skilled in English through classes from a prominent phonetician, Higgins. Eliza’s remarkable journey throughout the play is something that has to be cautiously documented for its stupendous touch of heroic approach with unyielding spirit over each and every odd circumstance that helps in the move of the play. How Eliza by each sequence attains remarkable change and enlightenment realising and respecting her self-identity, standing by her rigid values, being determined in her resolution are the core of Pygmalion.


     The very opening scene of the play catches the entry of Eliza who is hit by Freddy while they rush for shelter from rain. Eliza bursts: “Theres menners f’ yer! Ta-oo banches o voylets trod into the mad” as she sits on the plinth sorting her flowers. (8) It gives a cue that Eliza is a typical girl possessing a peculiar way of speaking English that varies in utterance and the manner its spelling is recorded in the text. Upon hearing this, Higgins, a bystander rages that a woman who utters such depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be anywhere—no right to live. Thus he further adds: your native language is the language of Shakespeare and Milton and The Bible. Higgins challenges that within three months he could pass Eliza with the rank of a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party/as the Queen of Sheba or even get a place as a lady’s maid or shop assistant that needs better English than that of what Eliza presently has. Enthralled Eliza meets Higgins the next day for her English lessons where Colonel Pickering, Higgins’ friend comes forward to sponsor her lessons. How Eliza gets trained, copes in a new environment, whether she wins the bet for Higgins or not are the hilarious must read aspects of the play.


   “I write plays with the deliberate purpose to convert the nation to my opinions,” said G.B. Shaw, who used the stage to reform society. His forty-odd plays were mostly against the established order, and written to make the Englishmen drop their outworn beliefs and accept his own ideas. If you are a believer in feminism you would love this play; as it’s said from a male’s perception. Shaw through Higgins shows his personal beliefs of feminism, as well the idea that the creator should not have control over the creation’s destiny.

Happy reading!



Material: Paperback with 105 pages.

Publication: London: Orient Constable & Co, 1954.

ISBN 13: 9780141439501


  • Written by sherlley
  • Hits: 1844

"Diary of an Engineer" by Prof R Rajaram


My early life at the TCE

The engineering college interview was over several weeks ago. The waiting period was very tense. Everyday I went to the Ganesha temple near the village Oorani to offer prayer, and burn camphor as offering, to help me secure the admission. Finally after a tedious 2-month waiting, I got the letter of admission into Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, on 6th August, 1961. It was a thrilling experience for a country boy, to enter the portals of a great college to be trained as an engineer. At my Villur village an engineer is personified as demi-god.

Perhaps I was the first boy from Villur, and the first person from my family, to enter any college. I got down at the Tirupparankundram police station stop, and started walking towards the college, carrying my steel trunk, stuffed heavily with my clothes and small paraphernalia for a long stay in the college hostel. The steel trunk was my Periyamma's idea. She thought that in a shared dormitory type accommodation, this will serve as a safety locker, to keep money and other important certificates.

At the entrance to the college about 100-120 persons, my seniors, had assembled, and were shouting some slogans. “Down, down with kabalam, the mess warden...”, were some of the words which I could gather. The hostel inmates were on a mass demonstration against the warden for imposing rigid rules on mess timings. It seems that on this particular morning, the mess warden had entered the dining hall, and pulled away the plantain leaves served with breakfast, while the inmates were still eating.

“Down with yechi elai warden rams...” was heard at a distance for quite a long time. Fortunately for us new entrants, they let us pass into the college without any hindrance. Thus my first day saw a rousing reception and thunderous welcome from my seniors and there began my engineering college life.

Karumuthu Thiagarajan Chettiar was an industrialist and great philanthropist. He had established the college for the needy & meritorious students of southern region. In those days it was the only engineering for all the southern districts of Tamilnadu. There were seven engineering colleges then, with a total intake of 1200 students. All of them were located north of Madurai, the nearest being Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology at Karaikudi. Three figured at Coimbatore, and the remaining two at Madras. Thanks to the munificence of the Chettiar, even today the college admits students only on merit and does not receive donations or capitation fees!

Class work commenced the next day itself. I was staying in the hostel in the campus. It was an all-male campus. In those days only boys sought admission into the engineering colleges. As per the Founder's principle, only vegetarian food was served. However many students from the south did not relish the food, as they were accustomed to eating hot stuff that walked, crawled, swam, or flew. Hardly a month had passed, we were forced by the seniors to join their march to the Founder's residence to demand egg, meat, fish and chicken to be prepared in the mess. I was a vegetarian, but could not abstain from the march, lest I face isolation and segregation. A large student body trudged the 5-mile route from TPK police station to Meenakshi Nilayam, near Aandaalpuram, where the Founder resided. We were made to shout slogans like “mutton podu, allathu mandaiyai podu.” The some-what orderly procession reached the residence, and we were allowed into vast garden of the Founder's bungalow. The founder came out and met us. He asked our leaders what were the demands. He gave a patient hearing, and then addressed the assembled students. “I started this college to help the meritorious students of southern region. If food is an issue then my only option is to issue TC to all of you. You can join a college where your preferred food is served”, and he walked back to his bungalow. In the next few moment the students dispersed into thin air, and returned triumphantly to the college, contended that they could at least meet the Founder. Even today after 53 years, only vegetarian food is served in the messes of boys' and girls' hostels of TCE, and all the institutions established by the Founder.

Few of my life's lessons like adhering and being rigid to strong principles and values thus began with my college.

Prof R Rajaram

  • Written by Hemadarshini ENG
  • Hits: 3696

Book Review- The Winged Word.

TITLE: The Winged Word
AUTHOR : David Green (EDITOR).
: Poetry
THEME : An anthology of poems covering till modern age.

“Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of feelings and emotions

           recollected in tranquility.”  - William Wordsworth.

Poetry is a language often created with the need to escape the logical, as well as expressing feelings and other expressions in a condensed manner.

In early societies, the formal nature of poetry made it easier to remember priestly incantations or prophecies. The greater part of the world's sacred scriptures are indeed made up of poetry rather than prose. The age old intention of poetry was to be recited, chanted or sung accompanied by a musical instrument—lyre.

The Winged Word is an anthology of English poems compiled over several years. The chronological order in which the poets have been arranged helps to note the development of English poetry from one age to another. Placed so, the reader will not only be able to see through the development of poetry, but also analyse the transition of age whose impact will greatly be found in most of the poems. These poetry are rich in ideas, emotions, sentiments, human appeal, and implications that makes one's reading enjoyable and rewarding.

One of the best way of getting acquainted with the poem is for it to be first read aloud, the rhythm and metre could then arouse the essential initial interest. However, many prefer it to be read without any external guide, the poetic beauty could be felt by the arrangement of familiar words. We oft have heard that poetry can cut across all barriers; and this is one such place where beyond varied culture, influences, and history, poetry finds a laudable place in our hearts.

Happy reading!


Material: Paperback with 270 pages.
Publication: Macmillan, 1974.
ISBN 10: 0333911520.




  • Written by Hemadarshini ENG
  • Hits: 1413

ICIESMS-A New International Commencent.

            A 2-day “International Conference on Interdisciplinary Engineering and Sustainable Management Sciences” (ICIESMS-2013) was organised by Vickramce on 22 & 23 Feb. 2013. The activities on both days are provided below:

            The inaugural ceremony began at 9.30 a.m. on 22 Feb. '13, with the welcome address of Dr. S. Nagarajan, Convenor of ICIESMS. In his presidential address, Mr. M.K.S Sreenivasan, Chairman, Vickram Schools and Colleges, narrated about the importance of integrating the various disciplines in Engineering, Science and Management to achieve better results. Dr. K. Ganesh, Conference Chairman and Knowledge Specialist, McKinsey Knowledge Center India Private Limited, India, brought out that the aim of the conference is to bring the best ideas, innovative practices and solutions that the industry desperately seeks.


        In the conference co-chairman address, Prof. Yves Ducq, Prof., University of Bordeaux, France explained the theme of measurement of various engineering components, like Multi-criterion and mono-criterion measurement and its importance in the development of sustainable Management Science. Dr. Matti Muhos, Research Director, Northern Research and Innovation Platform, University of Oulu, Finland, emphasised the need of sustainability in all the areas of development. Dr.Rika Ampuh Hadiguna, Faculty, Andalas University, Indonesia, praised the selection of the topic as this is the requirement of the hour. He stressed the need of fighting with the pollution-growth. Prof. James E. Yao, Professor, Dept. of Information and Operations Management Montclair State University expressed his cooperation for the fulfilment of the aim of this seminar. Prof. Lee, Tzong-Ru, Prof. of Marketing Dept., National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan expressed that the composite problems of the day can not end with single solution; they need solutions of multitude in nature.

          Following this address, Mr. S. R. Vijay Shrenivas, Director, released the first copy of the conference proceedings which was received by Dr . K. Ganesh.

         The objective of the conference was to provide platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners to disseminate and exchange latest advances in interdisciplinary engineering sciences. The witty conference drew educators, engineers, mentors, researchers, students, as well as representatives for this consortium.  The 17 technical sessions were held at Faraday Seminar Hall, Dijkstra Hall A, Dijkstra Hall B, and Turing Seminar Hall. 254 papers, selected out of 350 submissions, were presented by 365 Participants.The below honourable invitees presented special lectures on various related topics and enlightened the audience. Also, they chaired few of the technical sessions.

Dr. M.S. Rao, National Institute of  Hydrology.

Dr. S. Saravana Kumar, M.A.M College of Engineering.

Dr. S. Varadhaganapathy, Kongu Engineering College.

Dr. B. Sathya Bama, Thiagarajar College of  Engineering.

Dr. B. Manimegalai, Thiagarajar College of Engineering.

Dr A. Shanmugalatha, Velammal College of Engineering & Technology.

Dr. S. Vasuki, Velammal College of Engineering & Technology.

Dr. V. Saravanan, Thiagarajar College of  Engineering.

Dr. S.P. Anbudaya Sankar, Amrita School of Engineering.

Dr. M. Saravanan, SBM Engineering College.  

          There was an exclusive conference workshop held on 23 Feb. '13 by eminent personalities who also had presentations made for the students. Dr. S. Selvam, Director, CUIC, Anna University, Chennai spoke on “Technology Management”, Dr A. Shanmugalatha, Velammal College of Engineering & Technology on “Research Methodology and Guidelines”;   Dr. R.Vasudevan, Dean, Dept. of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College of Engineering on “Green Technologies Waste Management”, and Dr. M. Kottaisamy, Dept. of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College of Engineering on “New Materials and Nano Composite Energy and Environmental Applications.”

          The valedictory ceremony was held at 4 p.m. on 23 Feb. 2013. Dr. S. Kathirrvelu, Principal, welcomed the gathering. The valedictory address was proposed by Dr. K. Sivakumar, Regional Director, Anna University, Madurai followed by vote of thanks of Dr. P. Sivakumar, Convenor of the conference.

        ICIESMS ’13 came to a promising closure with Michael Jackson’s Heal the World taking a vow that we’d create a sustainable and better place for tomorrow.

  • Written by sherlley
  • Hits: 1475

Shark in your Tank!!!

How Japanese get fresh fish everyday

The Japanese love fresh fish. However, the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. Therefore, to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the anglers went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish were not fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste.

To solve this problem, fishing companies installed big freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. That was a great solution and they thought that the problem is solved for ever. They celebrated their invention.

They were very disheartened to know that the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish. They were not ready to buy them. The frozen fish brought a lower price. There was again a question of survival of the fishing industry.

After deep discussions, many sleepless nights, again a solution came into their minds. They were doubtful but still they thought that’s its worth working. A genius suggested installing fishing tanks so that fishes must get the natural environment to live. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin. They thought that the problem is fixed now

However, the fishes displayed a different nature. Since the size of tanks had their own limitations after a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive.

Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish.

To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks. However, with a management solution, real life solution, now they add a small shark to each tank. The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state.

The reason, the fish were challenged.

The moral of the story is

Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them. Beat the heck out of them. Enjoy the game.

If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. Failing makes you tired. Instead, reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help.

If you have met your goals, set some bigger goals. Once you meet your personal or family needs, move onto goals for your group, the society, even mankind.

Don’t create success and lie in it. You have resources, skills and abilities to make a difference.

Put a shark in your tank and see how far you can really go!

  • Written by Hemadarshini ENG
  • Hits: 1426

Making Vickramce Proud at TCE.

Diwagar S., & Niranjankumar K. of II EEE bagged I prize in “Scrap the Heap” held at Thiagarajar College of Engineering on 24 Jan. ’13. The completion had three levels of ordeal: Aptitude, Photo Finding & Jumbled Words, and Implement the Concept. Amidst several representations of colleges made, our students were identified as winners and conferred with a cash award of Rs. 750.

Congratulations on your winning stride! yessmiley


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