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  • Written by Hemadarshini ENG
  • Hits: 1622

Book Review - Ask Yourself Questions and Change Your Life.


TITLEAsk Yourself Questions and Change Your Life.

AUTHOR: Arlene Harder.

GENRE: Self-improvement.

THEME: Penetration into the inner self to discover calls for action.

"How could I be so stupid?" 

"Why did I do that?" 

"What was I thinking?" 

"How come it doesn't work ONLY for me?"

"Why can’t I be successful like others?" 

         Our life is filled with questions, doubts, and misgivings. Many of our questions are not worded and delivered in ways that could foster growth. Ask Yourself Questions and Change Your Life is a thoughtful book at how we change, and what we need to do to create a stunning change in our lives.  Harder gently, and sensitively takes the reader along every step of the way, providing just the right questions, tools and approaches to make life’s journey fulfilling and satisfying. The clear message we get from the book is—it is indeed the questions we ask to ourselves that could guide our life. These questions lead us being comfortable with the unknown and make us feel that we’re on our way just “exploring.”

              The fascinating feature of the book is that there’s no expert telling us to do this, that etc., nor any easy steps provided for success. But, we’ll find lots and lots of questions. The book contains 9chapters covering themes like “Change Process”, “What am I Today”, “Past Influences”, “Different Life”. “Goals”, “Commitment”, “Support Your Efforts” and so on. At the end of each chapter, Harder boxes 3-5 look-easy questions that coerces and demands our meticulous thinking. If we find a sound answer for them, we can be assured that we are in the right track. Complementing the questions are metaphors and stories, offering accessible guidance to uncover answers.

              Harder shows that making changes doesn’t require any spell: just clarity, courage, and a unique perspective. For a ‘change-seeker’, this is the ultimate book!

Happy reading!



Material: Paperback with 161 pages.

Publication: Mumbai: Embassy Books,2008.

ISBN 10: 81-88452-99-8

ISBN 13: 978-81-88452-99-6.




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