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  • Written by madhu
  • Hits: 2449

Keyboard Shortcuts



By P. Rajapardesh,II year IT



CTRL+ESC                                        Display the start menu.

CTRL+W                                          Close the current window.

Windows logo +E                               Open My computer.

Windows logo+L                                 Lock the keyboard.

Windows logo+R                                Open the Run dialog box.

Windows logo+U                                Open the Utility Manager.

NUM LOCK +Asterisk sign                Display all of the subfolders that are

                                                           under the selected folder.

NUM LOCK + (+)                              Display the contents of the selected folder.

NUM LOCK + (-)                               Collapse the selected folder area on the

                                                           Terminal server clipboard and provide the

                                                            same functionality as pressing

                                                           ALT + PRINT SCREEN on local computer.   

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