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  • Written by msuma
  • Hits: 970

10 th State level Inter Schools Football Tournament-2015

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The 10th State level Inter Schools Football Tournament was held on 30th and 31th January, 2015. 16 teams from various schools, actively participated with full enthusiasm. Er. M.S.Vickram, Joint Secretary, Vickram schools and colleges inaugurated the tournament. At the end of first day, American college hr sec School (sports hostel) Madurai Savitha bai School Madurai, M.V Hr.Sec.School, KARAIKUDI, and S.B.O.A. Matriculation School, Madurai, were qualified for the semi-final match, which was held on 30th January, 2015


In the first semi final, Americon college hr sec School (sports hostel) Madurai and Savitha bai School Madurai , and in the Second semi final,S.B.O.A. Matriculation School, Madurai and Movie Hr.Sec.School, KARAIKUDI,, clashed vigorously Americon college hr sec School (sports hostel) Madurai and Movie Hr.Sec.School, KARAIKUDI have entered the finals by beating their rivals with 6.2 scores respectively.

Americon college hr sec School (sports hostel) Madurai bagged the Vickram Trophy after a tough fight with 6-2 margin. . It has won a cash award of Rs.3500 along with the winners Rolling trophy. Movie Hr.Sec.School, KARAIKUDI won the runners up Rolling Trophy and a cash prize of Rs. 2000. S.B.O.A. Matriculation School, Madurai, secured third position and was offered with a cash prize of Rs.1500 and the fourth position went to Savitha bai School Madurai, Madurai, and it was offered a cash prize of Rs.1000.

The most thrilling Championship tournament came to a fine closure with the valedictory function in the presence of our Chairman Er.M.K.S. Sreenivasan. M.E and Er. M.S.Vikram Joint Secretary, Dr.S.Nagarajan, Principal and the Physical Education department was very much commendable.


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