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  • Written by Hemadarshini ENG
  • Hits: 1929


St. John Ambulance (SJA, India) is a major international charity recognised by the United Nations that finds its roots in the late 19th century (1877). It carries its activities in more than 40 countries, and has about 25000 volunteers panworld. SJA gets support from salaried employees, regular volunteers and numerous other supporters. The objective of SJA is to encourage and promote all work: be it of humanity or charity for the relief of persons in sickness, distress, suffering or danger, without distinction of race, class or creed. The idea is embodied in their Motto ‘Pro Fide ‘ & ‘Pro Utilitate Hominum’ meaning For the Faith & In the Service of Humanity.


        SJA and Iyarkai Mission 2012's Certification of Volunteers cum First Aid Trainees took place at the college premises on 22 June '13, Saturday. SJA, Tamil Nadu has introduced a new scheme ‘Mission 2012' and has come forward to train 1,000 people in each district in administering emergency care to those with acute medical problems, giving first aid in case of road accidents, war or any natural disaster. Following their launches at various places, SJA has chosen VCE students as First Aid Trainees. These Trainees would further be provided with individual First Aid Medical Kits and Identity Cards so as to actively involve themselves in varied lifesaving moments.


      The programme was graced with the august presence of Mr. M.G. George, Director, Sivagangai Community College and Coordinator, Iyarkai Mission 2012; Mr. B. Santha Kumar, Dean-Sivagangai Govt. Medical College; Hon'ble Justice K. Venkataraman (Retd.), High Court of Chennai, Dr. D. Vadivel Mugundhan, Chairman, St. John Ambulance; Er. M.K.S. Sreenivasan, Chairman, Vickram Group of Schools; Dr. S. Nagarajan, Administrative Officer, Vickram Group of Schools;; Dr. S. Kathirrvelu, Vickram Group of Schools.


       In George's welcome address, he briefed that a total of 1,000 volunteers are trained—in first aid—in every district and certified to serve during disasters. And also they will be receiving first aid kits and identity cards to provide first aid. M.K.S. Sreenivasan voiced that it's a welcoming sign of involving students in activities apart from academics; and assured he would lend support from the college's part. B. Santha Kumar shared his personal thoughts to the crowd that whenever he does an autopsy, he would regret for the loss of life and has always thought of a way to stop them. Justice K. Venkataraman pointed that it is the duty of every individual to come forward and help the needy in times of despair and emergence.


       Dr. Vadivel Mugundan briefed on the duties of St. John Ambulance and the steps the crew takes to reach a wider audience. He said: “In case of natural calamities and other emergencies, the district administration will call in these volunteers to offer first aid till medical experts arrive at the scene.” The volunteers during such calamities will sport a special jacket so that police, revenue officials and the public could easily identify them and offer assistance to them in rendering their service.


         Dr. Vadivel Mugundhan's objective is to impart first aid training to college and school students in the beginning, and later covering the entire population. The highlight is that the names of all the trained volunteers have been registered with the collectorate. Following these desriptions, the volunteers were issued their ID's, certificates, and medical kits from the dignitaries. As S. Nagarajan delivered the vote of thanks, the programme came to a fine closure.


       As the world turns increasingly materialistic, and mankind reaching toward the very zenith of external progress, driven by an insatiable desire for power and vast possessions, it is our bounded duty to mould and motivate our youngsters to partake in worthy accomplishments.


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