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  • Written by madhu
  • Hits: 2129

Websites - Engineers should know about

This is a list of websites, we cannot afford to ignore, being engineers, in other words, these are few websites from which engineers like us can largely benefit. This list is open to modification, hence I welcome modifications and new additions in the current list. Enjoy!!!!   

1. engineering.com

A wealth of engineering related news, videos, resources and jobs.

2. efunda.com

A website packed full of formula for Fluid Mechanics, Failure Criteria, Finance and loads of things that don’t begin with F too. A great site for lovers of Greek letters and other squiggles. Other parts of the site have information on materials, units, design and maths.

3. engineeringtoolbox.com

A great site, well structured into various engineering categories that lets you drill down to find the information you need. The flow of the site is a little spoiled by too many Google Ads links, but that is just a minor irritation.

4. linkedin.com

Not strictly an engineering resource, but LinkedIn is a great place to network with fellow engineers (it’s a bit like Facebook for grown-ups) and has some really useful special interest groups for sharing knowledge, meeting like-minded professionals and exchanging job opportunities.

5. globalspec.com

Calling itself “The Engineering Search Engine”, GlobalSpec is packed full of engineering products and suppliers. Has some great email newsletters and product alert emails.

6. howstuffworks.com

Whenever we need bit of extra background information for an office discussion this website is one of our first ports of call. Packed full of straightforward explanations

7. eng-tips.com

A fine collection of discussion forums, blogs, whitepapers and more. Covers a wide range of engineering fields.

8. wikipedia.org

Again, not strictly an engineering site, but Wikipedia can’t be ignored when seeking information. Much has been made of the possible innaccuracies of Wikipedia’s articles, but genarally the scientific and engineering pages are well maintained.

9. discoverengineering.org

A fantastic site for students or anyone new to engineering. Or just about anyone who enjoys quirky science projects and engineering themed games and activities. We all need a little light relief, right?

10. fun-engineering.net

Another bit of fun to finish with. Fun-Engineering (maintained by Prof. Jim McGovern of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Dublin Institute of Technology) is a great little site, full of engineering gems. 


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